Bundles of 11ty know-how
Welcome! Learn how others are making the most of 11ty, an exceptionally simple, flexible, and performant, open-source static site generator.
The latest from the blog...
Issue 63 - Build a centralized RSS feed, An aspirational web, An EmojiStorm on my Lens, Update: autofocus in search, What's on your bookshelf...And 6 releases, 6 posts and 17 sites to see
Dec 23, 2024 · 4 minutes to read
Recent releases... (RSS)
- Prerelease: Eleventy Image v6.0.0-beta.3
- Eleventy Fetch v5.0.2
- Prerelease: Eleventy Image v6.0.0-beta.4
- Prerelease: Eleventy Image v6.0.0-beta.1
- Eleventy Fetch v5.0.2-beta.2
- eleventy-plugin-vite v6.0.0-alpha.4
- Eleventy v3.0.1-alpha.1
- Eleventy Utils v2.0.0
- Eleventy Fetch v5.0.2-beta.1
- eleventy-activity-feed
- Eleventy Import v1.0.8
From the firehose... (RSS)
- Say Hello to 11ty
- Display Plausible Statistics in Your 11ty Blog
- Cranking Brotli up to 11 with Cloudflare Pro and 11ty
- How I built the Books page
- 11ty Clean blog and cleaner repository
- KDL works great in eleventy
- Eleventy 3 Upgrade
- Displaying Eleventy Version on a Page
- Accessible Eleventy Gallery
- Learning 11ty by adapting a Jekyll Template
- 11ty WebC If Statements and Attributes
And yes, there are exactly 11 of each of those releases, firehose items, and sites in the boxes above...in case you were wondering.
There are two RSS feeds, one for the 11tybundle.dev blog posts and one for the Firehose with each post that has been collected and added to the collection of categorized posts.