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3 posts by Graham F. Scott


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Using the Eleventy Image plugin without a central image folder

Eleventy’s official image pre-processing plugin assumes you have a single folder with all your images in it. I needed something different, and this is how I did it.

May 29, 2022

Categories: PluginsImagesHow to...


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

My year of Eleventy plugins

Exactly one year ago today, I published my first Eleventy plugin. Here are some of the things I’ve learned since then.

Jan 25, 2021

Categories: Plugins

Embed Everything

I recently released a plugin for quickly embedding media in Eleventy sites. I think it has potential!

Apr 28, 2020

Categories: How to...Plugins

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