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4 posts by Łukasz Wójcik

Eleventy: pathPrefix and GitHub Pages

Quick step-by-step recipe on how to deploy Eleventy site inside a subdirectory.

Mar 3, 2024

Categories: ConfigurationDebuggingDeployment

Eleventy: custom markup alongside item contents

Short and quick tutorial on how to embed custom HTML content between post paragraphs on an Eleventy site.

Feb 23, 2024

Categories: ConfigurationFiltersHow to...

How to make a PWA out of your Eleventy site

Eleventy sites can be PWAs with two plugins. But there are strings attached.

Oct 3, 2023

Categories: How to...

New year, new me, new blog

I changed the design of my blog for the third time since its start in 2020.

Feb 17, 2023

Categories: Why Eleventy?

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