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Official 11ty docs


Deployment — Eleventy

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60 posts in 'Deployment'

Deploying An 11ty Project To Shared Hosting

Forget the usual suspects for your website hosting. You should consider shared hosting for your next 11ty project.

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Deploy a Static Website to AWS S3 with Official GitHub Actions

Modern IT & InfoSec for the Discerningly Lazy

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Automate Your Static Site Rebuilds with Netlify Scheduled Functions

Effortlessly automate regular website updates for your static site using Netlify scheduled functions. Set it and forget it - never worry about manual updates again!

Categories: BloggingDeploymentHow to...Netlify

Eleventy: pathPrefix and GitHub Pages

Quick step-by-step recipe on how to deploy Eleventy site inside a subdirectory.

Categories: ConfigurationDebuggingDeployment

Deploy an Eleventy site to Cloudflare Pages efficiently with GitHub's action cache

Deploy an Eleventy site to Cloudflare Pages efficiently with GitHub's action cache I have wanted to move this site from Netlify for a while now, but the recent news about their bandwidth pricing made...

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Automatic Mastodon post embeds

I use Nicolas Hoizey's GitHub action to syndicate my web activity to Mastodon. Recently, I removed the display of webmentions from my posts after seeing Chris and Robb discuss some privacy concerns around them. Upon seeing David Darnes' mastodon-post web component, I've gone ahead and added it, conditionally, to the end of each of my posts.

Categories: DeploymentSocial MediaWebmentions

Eleventy - Differentiate between dev and production builds with unique favicons

It is easy to mix up the dev and production versions of a website in the browser. Let's make them look unique by using different favicons.

Categories: ConfigurationData CascadeDeploymentImages

Track and display uptime of your blog

This article is about: How you can track and display the uptime of your eleventy-page using Uptime Kuma

Categories: DeploymentHow to...PerformanceRemote Data

Buttondown with 11ty on Netlify with GitHub

A look at how Fudge Sunday 🤔💡🤯🤓 newsletter gets made each week

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Cloudflare Pages Cron Deploys

Scheduling static site deploys daily

Categories: BloggingDeploymentRemote DataWebmentions

How to host a 11ty-site on a Raspberry Pi

This article is about: How I am hosting my blog on a Raspberry Pi for almost no money

Categories: BloggingDeploymentHow to...

Cloudflare _redirects

Keeping old paths alive on the new site

Categories: ConfigurationDeploymentHow to...

A Simple Guide to Redirects on Neocities with Eleventy

We need more tutorials for using Eleventy outside of Netlify. Lets take a look at setting up redirects on Neocities with Eleventy.

Categories: ConfigurationDeploymentFront MatterHow to...Pagination

Deploy 11ty Site Using Rsync

Step-by-step guide for a deployment of your 11ty blog using rsync, npm deploy scripts and optimization for an efficient workflow.

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Deploying my website

From running my website for myself on my machine to hosting it publicly for everyone.

Categories: DatesDeployment

Automating my site update with gitlab ci/cd

Where I describe a ci/cd configuration to deploy an 11ty blog to neocities

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Seven Million npm Downloads

Seven Million npm Downloads! — Eleventy

Categories: Deployment

TinaCMS + 11ty

Taking a deep dive into setting up a CMS for my static site with TinaCMS

Categories: BloggingCMSConfigurationDeploymentHow to...

Scheduling Automatic Builds with Static Site Generators

Having a static site is great, but there could be times where you need to build your site on a schedule.

Categories: How to...Deployment

CloudCannon + Eleventy

Getting CloudCannon setup with your Eleventy project is easier than you think

Categories: DeploymentHow to...CollectionsConfiguration

Deploying an 11ty Site to GitHub Pages Using GitHub Actions

The last time I wrote about deploying to GitHub Pages, it was essentially a tutorial on how to use Travis CI for deployment to GitHub Pages. Travis, unfortunately, discontinued their free plan b...

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Fetching webmentions with Netlify and Eleventy Edge

Sadly, I'm not too good at documenting what I'm sometimes building in the little free time that I have. At the end of last year, I implemented an interesting feature on this site, but never wrote about it.

Categories: Social MediaDeploymentHow to...

Remove trailing slash on 11ty S3 hosted sites using Cloudfront function

How to rewrite the Cloudfront request so trailing slashes are redirected to the non-trailing slash URI using a Cloudfront function.

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Cloudflare Pages error with 11ty build

I had an issue with a build failing on Cloudflare Pages and this is how I fixed it

Categories: Deployment

Blogging on the Jamstack with Netlify & Eleventy

Looking to create a Headless Blog using the Jamstack? Here are all the steps you need to follow to build your own Jamstack-based blog using Eleventy and Netlify

Categories: DeploymentNetlify

GitLab CI Pipeline for Eleventy

A detailed breakdown of the GitLab CI pipeline used for this blog, which is built with Eleventy.

Categories: Deployment

Scheduled Eleventy builds on Vercel with cron-triggered GitHub actions

In an effort to get away from client-side Javascript and embrace Eleventy for what it is (a static site generator), I've dropped my social-utils instance offline and my now-playing track display on my home page that still relied on it.

Categories: Deployment

Using the Codeberg CI

Using Codeberg CI to build 11ty based static sites to push to Codeberg Pages

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Rebuilding 11ty on a schedule

Automate the deployment of a website using Netlify and GitHub Actions at a specific time.

Categories: Deployment

Setup GitLab Review Apps with Eleventy

A technique to setup GitLab Review Apps for an Eleventy site.

Categories: ConfigurationDeploymentHow to...


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Post previews with Ghost, Eleventy & Netlify

A while back, I updated my Eleventy plugin for Ghost so you get more data from your Ghost instance, including the ability to retrieve draft posts. Here's how I used it to preview draft posts using Eleventy and Netlify.

Categories: CMSDeployment

Letting Eleventy Schedule Its Own Builds

Until recently, I've been using GitHub Actions to trigger builds on my website, but this approach meant that builds for the site were only run once a day and that I couldn't schedule specific times for posts to go live. In February of this year, Netlify announced Scheduled Functions, and one of the use cases that I'd seen mentioned was scheduling builds.

Categories: Deployment

Testing the Netlify Cache Plugin with Eleventy

An example of caching for Netlify with an Eleventy site

Categories: DeploymentData CascadeNetlify

Static site delivery automation with Eleventy & Buddy

Combine the speed of Buddy and intuitive nature of Elevenly to build and deploy static sites lightning fast.

Categories: Deployment

Add Build Info to an 11ty Site

Expose information about your 11ty site at build time to all templates using global data. Among other things, this can be used to show your site's build time, package version, and the latest Git commit hash.

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Hosting Eleventy on GitHub Pages

I've really been enjoying building sites with Eleventy instead of Jekyll. I'm still learning my way around some of the cool data capabilities, but NodeJS has been much more agreeable to wrangle than Ruby...

Categories: Deployment


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

How to Create and Deploy Your First Eleventy Website

Learn how to build a website with Eleventy (11ty), a static site generator that gives you simplicity and flexibility.

Categories: How to...Deployment

Get your Eleventy Site into the real world using a hosting provider like Netlify or Git pages

There are plenty of ways to get your 11ty site live depending on preferences and skill set, this blog walks through a few of the popular ones including Gitlab pages, Vercel, Netlify and Cloudflare pages

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Using Cloudflare workers to publish your scheduled 11ty posts

Learn how to schedule blog posts and other items to go live with your static site generator without having to rebuild the whole site. Get all the benefits of a dynamic CSS with static files

Categories: How to...Deployment

Quick Tips for Eleventy and Vercel

A quick tip for folks using Eleventy and Vercel together.

Categories: DeploymentHow to...Debugging

Trigger a Netlify build every day with IFTTT

Trigger a Netlify Build Every Day with IFTTT — Eleventy

Categories: DeploymentNetlify

Testing my Eleventy-website with Cypress and Netlify

Last time I wrote "this page is a repository consisting of some thrown-together and latenight-written code". Some tests should ensure that I don't break to much when I'm, cleaning up the code. Here's how I created a basic setup that runs my tests before every deployment.

Categories: How to...DeploymentNetlify

Building a website with a static site generator, part 1: Setup

In this blog series, we will build a static website using Eleventy, NetlifyCMS, GitHub and Netlify. In the first post, we set everything up and deploy a template page to make sure everything works.

Categories: Getting StartedDeploymentCMSBlogging

Deploying an 11ty Site to GitHub Pages

I am building a new personal site. The idea behind it is pretty simple: it’s a blog that will have a total of 50 pages added to it over 5 years. Not much content and not much complexity. I deba...

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Deploy a free Gatsby, Hugo, or Eleventy website template in 30 seconds

We’ve started a collection of quick-start website project templates. Whether you’re looking for a free Gatsby blog template or a Gulp build pipeline, we’ve got easy options to deploy them for free in 30 seconds.

Categories: DeploymentNetlify

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