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13 posts by Juha-Matti Santala

Recap of 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good

Last week, the first 11ty Conference, also known as the 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good, took place and it blew my mind. Here are the best parts, which is pretty much everything.

May 15, 2024

Categories: 11ty Conference 2024 is a valid Eleventy project

Building website projects from the scratch with Eleventy is a delightful process in my experience because in the beginning, all you need is and you can then customise and add on top of it as much as you like.

Apr 13, 2024

Categories: Getting StartedWhy Eleventy?

Search, Webmentions and microformats

I’ve made some updates on my website - let’s talk about them. I added a search functionality with Pagefind, Webmention support both directions and microformats to my blog posts.

Feb 28, 2024

Categories: How to...SearchWebmentions

THE Eleventy Meetup Feb 20th

We had a lovely meetup with the Eleventy community. I talked about building meetup community sites utilizing Global Data Files and Robb talked about how he builds his website with Eleventy, pulling data in from various sources.

Feb 26, 2024

Categories: BloggingHow to...YouTube

Community websites with Eleventy

With Eleventy’s data files, I’ve come up with a good setup to build landing pages for communities that organize events.

Jan 24, 2024

Categories: Data CascadeFiltersGlobal DataHow to...

Website rewrite and switching to Notion as CMS

This website served me well for almost 5 years with minor improvements, tweaks and hacks. Now, it was time for a total rewrite and upgrading my stack and tools.

Aug 22, 2023

Categories: Remote DataHow to...

Blog comments via Mastodon

After half a year of pondering, I finally wrote a bit of code to add comments to my blog via Mastodon replies.

Jul 26, 2023

Categories: How to...Social Media


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Blog post filter with Netlify Functions

I built my first ever serverless feature to add tag filtering to my blog listing. Here's how I integrated that to my Ghost & Eleventy setup with Netlify Functions.

Jul 28, 2021

Categories: FiltersHow to...ServerlessRemote Data

Building a website with a static site generator, part 3: Domain, Analytics and Forms

Once your website is up and running, it's time to get a professional looking domain, think about analytics and collect data with forms.

Mar 25, 2020

Categories: Getting StartedBloggingConfiguration

Building a website with a static site generator, part 2: Eleventy

In this post, we're gonna take a deeper look into Eleventy which takes care of building the website by combining layout templates with blog post data from Markdown files.

Mar 18, 2020

Categories: Getting StartedGlobal DataLayoutsBlogging

Building a website with a static site generator, part 1: Setup

In this blog series, we will build a static website using Eleventy, NetlifyCMS, GitHub and Netlify. In the first post, we set everything up and deploy a template page to make sure everything works.

Mar 11, 2020

Categories: Getting StartedDeploymentCMSBlogging

How my site is built with Eleventy + Ghost

This website is run with Eleventy, using Markdown and Ghost CMS for blog posts. I've iterated in a couple of ways to build the CMS integration.

Mar 6, 2020

Categories: CMSHow to...

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