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Collections — Eleventy

75 posts in 'Collections'

Building a Custom Filter for Eleventy Collections

Lists are wonderful, and filters make them better. This article is about building a custom filter for Eleventy collections.

Jul 1, 2024

Categories: CollectionsFiltersHow to...Search

Eleventy collections using the built in tags key

In Eleventy, when you place a JSON file, with the same name, as the folder, within that folder, the data from the JSON file is automatically applied to all files within that folder. This mechanism is a convenient way to apply metadata to a group of files without having to manually include it in each file.

Jun 15, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

Eleventy - Convert a RSS Feed to a collection

I want to create an archive of all my writing. One source is the author RSS feeds of blogs I wrote for. How about I turn it into an eleventy collection?

Jun 5, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...Remote DataRSS

Integrating a (somewhat) custom CMS with Eleventy

I've spent the last, uh, month or so inching my way towards leveraging a CMS to manage the content on this site. It started with improving my self-hosted scrobbling setup, importing yet more of my personal data and then looking around at friendlier options to manage what I'd spun up.

Jun 3, 2024

Categories: CMSCollectionsLayoutsRemote Data

Updating to Eleventy v3

I took some time this week to upgrade my site to the newest version of Eleventy. Here's what I learned.

Jun 1, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...ImagesPluginsUpgrading

Eleventy - Merge external data with an existing collection

I wanted to make an archive of my writing, merging content I wrote for other websites with my exising 'posts' collection. Here is how I did it.

May 26, 2024

Categories: CollectionsConfigurationGlobal DataHow to...

A custom collection to sort events with Eleventy

I made a custom collection with a filter to sort events by their custom date data.

May 9, 2024

Categories: CollectionsDatesFiltersFront MatterNunjucks/Macros

Supporting a full-text RSS feed

Up until now, I've only included a short description for posts in my RSS feed, but I've changed tactics so fellow RSS perverts can choose to read my stuff in their reader of choice.

May 8, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...RSS

Surfing The Web And Sharing What I Find

How I surf the web, manage my online bookmarks and share exciting hyperlinks with the community.

Apr 30, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...PaginationRemote DataRSS

Notifications for New Eleventy Posts in GitLab - Part 2

An implementation for identifying new posts in an Eleventy site built on GitLab pages and sending post-specific notifications (part 2 of 2).

Apr 29, 2024

Categories: CollectionsConfigurationHow to...Social Media

Eleventy Nested Pagination

Eleventy (the cool static site generator) has a great feature called Pagination which allows you to iterate over a list of things in chunks and produce multiple output files. As I was migrating this very site over to Eleventy, I found I needed to perform a double pagination. This is when, during paginating over a list of blog post years, I found I wanted to also paginate again over the posts in those years, so I could have at most 20 posts on a single list page.

Apr 17, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...Pagination

Notifications for New Eleventy Posts in GitLab - Part 1

An implementation for identifying new posts in an Eleventy site built on GitLab pages and sending post-specific notifications (part 1 of 2).

Apr 8, 2024

Categories: CollectionsConfigurationHow to...

How to add tags with links to hub topic pages in 11ty

Mar 17, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

Group posts by year in Eleventy.js

JavaScript software development tips, strategies for salary negotiation, and other helpful advice for navigating software as a career.

Mar 13, 2024

Categories: BloggingCollectionsDatesHow to...

Surfacing most used tags in Eleventy

I made some lightweight design changes to my site, keeping things simple but moving the date up above post headers, surfacing tags below and restoring Read more links.

Mar 9, 2024

Categories: CollectionsFiltersHow to...

Eleventy - Group posts by year

A common organisation pattern for a blog is to group posts by year. I will show you how to do this efficiently and succinctly in JavaScript.

Mar 1, 2024

Categories: BloggingCollectionsConfigurationDatesHow to...

A roundup of recent updates to my website

Where i describe the recent updates to the kinds of content you'll find on my website

Feb 27, 2024

Categories: BloggingCollectionsFront MatterRSSSocial Media


Introducing a new side project: I built a directory of websites that provide a curated collection of bookmarks and/or links to other websites.

Feb 21, 2024

Categories: CollectionsDatesHow to...Markdown

Update: Bookmarks Are Back

This website has a bookmarks directory now.

Feb 15, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

Eleventy 🤝 Immich

A quick image gallery using Eleventy and backed by Immich

Feb 12, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...ImagesPlugins

Getting up to Speed with Eleventy: Config and Collections

Continuing his Eleventy tutorial, David Eastman shows how to configure the system, make use of templates, what collections are, and more.

Jan 20, 2024

Categories: CollectionsConfigurationLayouts

Update: Tags Are Back

This website used to have tags. They were gone for about 3 years, but they're back now.

Jan 16, 2024

Categories: BloggingCollectionsHow to...Pagination

Right here, right now

A brief explanation of the way I built the "Right now" box on my homepage.

Jan 7, 2024

Categories: CollectionsData CascadeDatesHow to...Now Page

Generating a static blog with Eleventy

From 0 to minimal blog using 11ty. I tell you the steps I took to create the minimal technical basis for this website's content.

Dec 23, 2023

Categories: BloggingCollectionsConfigurationInternationalizationLayouts

Generating the Firehose page on the 11tybundle site

Here's how the Firehose page of the site is built.

Nov 21, 2023

Categories: CollectionsHow to...Remote Data

Making a simple Eleventy blog template

If you’ve worked with TypeScript, React or Next odds are you’ve encountered an update that broke a... Tagged with frontend, css, html, tutorial.

Oct 3, 2023

Categories: BloggingCollectionsFront MatterHow to...Layouts

Semi-automated hashtags for syndicated posts

I went out on a limb recently and decided to build a custom collection in Eleventy that aggregates my post tags and link tags (sourced from Matter). These tags then get appended to shared post or link titles when they're syndicated from my site.

Sep 10, 2023

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

CloudCannon + Eleventy

Getting CloudCannon setup with your Eleventy project is easier than you think

Sep 6, 2023

Categories: DeploymentHow to...CollectionsConfiguration

Filtering tags within Eleventy.js collections

JavaScript software development tips, strategies for salary negotiation, and other helpful advice for navigating software as a career.

Feb 21, 2023

Categories: FiltersCollectionsHow to...

Eleventy Collection Schemas

Use this 11ty plugin to enforce a typed frontmatter schema for templates within an Eleventy collection.

Feb 17, 2023

Categories: Collections


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Adding tag list with post count to Eleventy.js

JavaScript software development tips, strategies for salary negotiation, and other helpful advice for navigating software as a career.

Feb 2, 2023

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

How to programmatically add tags to posts in 11ty

Blog and general digital garden of the full stack programmer Simon Dann.

Jan 30, 2023

Categories: BloggingCollectionsConfigurationHow to...Plugins

Using the Airtable API with Eleventy Collections

A detailed guide to building a reading list with the Airtable API and templated Eleventy data. Includes general guidance regarding personal access tokens and environment variables, relevant to most API projects.

Jan 25, 2023

Categories: Remote DataCollections

Support Draft Blog Posts in Eleventy

A look at various ways of supporting draft posts with Eleventy

Aug 14, 2022

Categories: How to...ConfigurationCollectionsDrafts

Creating a now page archive with 11ty

Blog and general digital garden of the full stack programmer Simon Dann.

May 17, 2022

Categories: CollectionsFront MatterHow to...LayoutsNavigationNow Page

11ty aliases the right way

A short little tutorial on how to make redirects in 11ty that aren't awful.

Mar 20, 2022

Categories: CollectionsConfigurationHow to...Pagination

Zero maintenance taxonomies in 11ty

Taxonomies in 11ty have always been hard. Sure, we have collections, but for when we want advanced features like categories and authors, it all falls apart. I found a solution. Introducing taxonomies that work so well they feel (almost) native!

Mar 12, 2022

Categories: Collections


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Eleventy Custom Content Type Collections and Layouts

How-to on creating separate collections and layouts for a custom content type. In this case: cocktails!

Jan 4, 2022

Categories: CollectionsLayouts

Creating and Using Eleventy Collections

Collections allow you to group templates and then sort, filter, and perform other manipulations to customize the display of your template content and data.

Nov 11, 2021

Categories: Collections

Making an 11ty collection from a remote XML file

RSS is XML with a specification, however not all RSS feeds follow the spec. In this post, we process the feed as an XML document meaning we can access the extra attributes and values

Jul 26, 2021

Categories: CollectionsHow to...Remote Data

Create an 11ty collection from any RSS feed

Using 11ty global data files, we create an 11ty collection from an RSS feed. As an example, we show the latest YouTube videos on our website

Jul 12, 2021

Categories: Remote DataCollectionsHow to...RSS

Creating an 11ty collection from a JSON API

Using 11ty Global data files, you can make collections from JSON APIs, allowing you to make whole websites from one endpoint

Jun 28, 2021

Categories: CollectionsHow to...Global Data

Dynamic Short URLs with Eleventy

Creating URL aliases dynamically with Eleventy

Jun 22, 2021

Categories: Front MatterCollectionsHow to...

Building Ale House Rock with 11ty

I rebuilt my beer review website using a JSON API and 11ty. This is a rundown of how I tackled it

May 31, 2021

Categories: Collections

Using 11ty JavaScript Data files to mix Markdown and CMS content into one collection

In this article, we'll mix Markdown files with external data sources to create a unified 11ty Collection.

Apr 25, 2021

Categories: CMSCollections

Build an 11ty calendar to list all your posts

List all of your posts (or other collection items) in a calendar/diary format to give a timeline of your past

Apr 12, 2021

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

Collection archive in Eleventy

Bernard Nijenhuis • Front-end Developer • Katwijk, The Netherlands • Father of 3 kids • Husband to 1 wife • Owner of 2 cats

Mar 17, 2021

Categories: How to...Collections

Adding Simple Pagination to an 11ty Collection

11ty can handle pagination really well, but finding the right subset of the many pagination features can be a little difficult to figure out. Here's how I added simple previous and next links and post totals to the list pages on this blog.

Mar 7, 2021

Categories: PaginationHow to...Collections

Using Template Content as Data for 11ty

Create a collection of content using any Eleventy templating language and learn to control the output to enable using that content as data.

Feb 15, 2021

Categories: Data CascadeCollections

Group posts by year in Eleventy

Using a custom 11ty collection to group post by any attribute.

Jan 31, 2021

Categories: DatesHow to...Collections

Create a Custom Collection with Eleventy

If you've built sites using Eleventy, you're probably familiar with collections. Using the Configuration API allows for creating custom collections which can be useful to only show certain posts on your site.

Oct 31, 2020

Categories: Collections

Let's Learn Eleventy (11ty) - Collections

This is the second part of the Let't Learn Eleventy series. We'll learn how to use collections.

Sep 3, 2020

Categories: Collections

Hiding Future Content with Eleventy

How to use custom filters and collections to hide Eleventy content for the future.

Aug 7, 2020

Categories: How to...Front MatterFiltersCollections

Eleventy: Loop through a collection from within a layout?

I have a home page which is made up of sections. Each section is currently pulled into my index.html... Tagged with eleventy, help.

May 20, 2020

Categories: How to...Collections

Basic custom taxonomies with Eleventy

Eleventy comes with a built-in tagging system. For a recent project, I wanted to use my own category system, which led me to dive a bit deeper into extending and configuring Eleventy.

Mar 4, 2020

Categories: Collections

Adding a Last Edited Field to Eleventy

How to add a "Last Edited" value to Eleventy pages.

Feb 6, 2020

Categories: How to...CollectionsConfigurationDates

Adding Search to your Eleventy Static Site with Lunr

Using Lunr to add client-site search to your static site

Oct 20, 2019

Categories: SearchCollectionsConfiguration

Scheduled and draft 11ty posts

This post explains how you can add scheduled publishing to your 11ty blog (with a bonus for drafts). Before I jump in though, 11ty is a surprisingly simple sys…

Jun 19, 2019

Categories: CollectionsFiltersHow to...DraftsScheduling

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