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Pagination — Eleventy

40 posts in 'Pagination'

Improving page load times with pagination in Eleventy

This is probably a very obvious one for everyone; the less content on the page, the quicker it will load.

Categories: How to...PaginationPerformance

Enhancing pagination with a page selector

I've made a change to my site's pagination wherein I've enhanced the page count displayed at the bottom of my home and links pages to display the page count in a select element. The select displays a list of all the pages and navigates to the selected page.

Categories: How to...Pagination

Assigning an active page in Eleventy navigation

A small tip for computed navigation, when the URL structures don’t all match.

Categories: How to...NavigationPagination

A Simple Guide to Redirects on Neocities with Eleventy

We need more tutorials for using Eleventy outside of Netlify. Lets take a look at setting up redirects on Neocities with Eleventy.

Categories: ConfigurationDeploymentFront MatterHow to...Pagination

Using Wordpress as a headless CMS for Eleventy

How I avoided having to re-learn PHP and love Eleventy.

Categories: CMSGlobal DataNavigationPaginationRemote DataSearch

Pagination in a Javacsript template with Eleventy

Here I use a javascript template to generate json data files for selected categories of the site.

Categories: How to...Pagination

Eleventy Excellent demo branches

Frontend developer and designer living in Madrid. I enjoy working with semantic HTML, vanilla Javascript and modern CSS.

Categories: BloggingConfigurationPagination

What I learned making

A single purpose site that gives you all of the top level domains in one handy list.

Categories: PaginationPlugins

Fixed Category Page Generation

I figured out how to get my Eleventy Generate Category Pages module working in an Eleventy build process.

Categories: Pagination

Generating Eleventy Category Pages Inside Eleventy Build

After my announcement of my command-line utility for generating Eleventy Paginated Category pages, I learned how to do this inside of Eleventy and need some help finishing it for general use.

Categories: PaginationHow to...

Eleventy Paginated Category Pages

Something I wanted to do with this site, but wasn't supported by Eleventy, is generate paginated pages of content for each category. This article explains how I solved this problem and how you can use it for your Eleventy site(s).

Categories: PaginationHow to...

Lazy select-based pagination in Eleventy

I've relaunched, rebuilt and rewritten my personal blog more times than I can count, and I've had a trail of posts I've never fully migrated at each turn. This weekend, while relaxing and watching movies I ported them into Eleventy and, in doing so, found that the pagination implementation I was using didn't scale well with the number of pages I added.

Categories: Pagination


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Using Puppeteer with 11ty to automate generating social share images

Blog and general digital garden of the full stack programmer Simon Dann.

Categories: FiltersHow to...PaginationSocial Media

Taming Eleventy Tags: Or How I Learned To Tolerate Double Pagination

Pagination in Eleventy is bit strange. Out of the box, Eleventy comes with support for something the developers call "pagination", but it...

Categories: PaginationHow to...

11ty aliases the right way

A short little tutorial on how to make redirects in 11ty that aren't awful.

Categories: CollectionsConfigurationHow to...Pagination

Adding QR Codes to Your Jamstack Site

A look at adding QR codes to your Jamstack site.

Categories: PaginationHow to...

Add Pagination to Your Eleventy Static Generated Website in Minutes

Learn how to add pagination to your Eleventy website for faster load times and better user experience with simple JavaScript.

Categories: PaginationHow to...


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

When to Use Pagination in Eleventy

Contrasting pagination and looping, with examples and a reference image.

Categories: Pagination

Building a Database Driven Eleventy Site

Using a database (MySQL) to drive content for an Eleventy site

Categories: PluginsPaginationGlobal Data

Using PDFs with the Jamstack - Now with Thumbnails

Combing Adobe PDF APIs with Eleventy to create PDF Thumbnails

Categories: How to...Remote DataPagination

Adding Simple Pagination to an 11ty Collection

11ty can handle pagination really well, but finding the right subset of the many pagination features can be a little difficult to figure out. Here's how I added simple previous and next links and post totals to the list pages on this blog.

Categories: PaginationHow to...Collections

Using PDFs with the Jamstack

Using the Adobe PDF Embed API to view PDFs on your Jasmstack site

Categories: How to...Global DataPagination

Grouping blog posts by year in Eleventy

Create an archive page grouped by year (or anything you want!) using 11ty's built in pagination and a modified collection.

Categories: PaginationDatesHow to...Blogging

Hooking Up FaunaDB to Eleventy

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Categories: Remote DataHow to...Pagination

Eleventy Clock

The online journal of Ashur Cabrera.

Categories: Pagination

Supporting Multiple Authors in an Eleventy Blog

How to handle multiple authors in Eleventy, with custom author profile pages.

Categories: Front MatterHow to...FiltersPagination

Migrating from Node and Express to the Jamstack - Part 1

A look at how you can migrate from Node to the Jamstack

Categories: Migrating to EleventyGlobal DataPagination

Add pagination for dynamic data in Eleventy

Creating pagination from dynamic data and add a useful navigation bar. Tagged with eleventy, javascript, blog, tutorial.

Categories: PaginationHow to...

Why I'm Digging Eleventy

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Categories: Why Eleventy?Pagination

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