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8 posts by Ashur Cabrera


An Eleventy plugin for fetching remote data and exposing the response as a global data variable.

Jan 16, 2024

Categories: PluginsRemote Data


An Eleventy plugin that joins truthy, deduplicated values into a single, compact string for use in an HTML element's class attribute.

Aug 5, 2023

Categories: PluginsHow to...CSS/Sass


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Importing external components in WebC via NPM

The online journal of Ashur Cabrera.

Dec 24, 2022

Categories: WebC


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Eleventy Clock

The online journal of Ashur Cabrera.

Sep 6, 2020

Categories: Pagination

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