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WebC — Eleventy

43 posts in 'WebC'

Nested pagination with 11ty

How to paginate through an array of arrays.

Jun 27, 2024

Categories: How to...PaginationWebC

Building with Eleventy

Re(re-re) building my personal site with Eleventy and web components

May 21, 2024

Categories: BloggingWebCWhy Eleventy?

Unveiling the Marvels of 11ty's WebC

Are you ready to dive deep into the world of web development and discover a game-changing tool that will revolutionise the way you build websites?

Feb 29, 2024

Categories: How to...PerformanceWebC

The Good, the Bad, the Web Components

A post by Zach Leatherman (zachleat)

Jan 31, 2024

Categories: WebC

Migrating my site from NextJS to Eleventy

I recently migrated my website from NextJS to Eleventy.

Dec 17, 2023

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWebCWhy Eleventy?

Under the hood

LostInBrittany's tech blog, reborn... again...

Oct 9, 2023

Categories: WebCWhy Eleventy?

Eleventy components woes

So far so good, in part one we managed to do a very basic setup of a blog website sticking to just... Tagged with frontend, javascript, react, webdev.

Oct 3, 2023

Categories: WebC


New Neovim Plugin - Basic support for WebC files

Aug 23, 2023

Categories: PluginsWebC

Supercharge your HTML with WebC

YouTube video

Aug 11, 2023

Categories: How to...WebC

Eleventy Style Guide Generator with WebC Component Support

The simplicity and speed of Eleventy with the organization of a self documenting design system. Style guide generator that incorporates design tokens, fluid typography, and WebC components.

Aug 3, 2023

Categories: WebC

WebC Declarative Shadow DOM Slot Workarounds

A cheeky hack to make slot elements work as expected in 11ty's WebC framework.

Jul 28, 2023

Categories: WebCHow to...

Creating Bootstrap WebC Components in Eleventy

Using WebC to make working with Bootstrap simpler.

Jun 19, 2023

Categories: WebCHow to...

Extending 11ty’s page variable

I’ve had my eye on Astro, so I thought I’d take it for a spin by re-building this here website. I stuck with 11ty in the end for a variety of reasons, but th...

Apr 17, 2023

Categories: How to...WebC

WebC First Impressions

Thoughts from my first attempt at understanding the new WebC framework from 11ty

Apr 11, 2023

Categories: WebC

webc-starter-kit (Github repo)

A starter project for Eleventy (11ty) using WebC as a main template langage. Also includes opiniated assets processing and a few more bells and whistles. - solution-loisir/webc-starter-kit

Apr 9, 2023

Categories: WebC

WebC Updates in Eleventy - Looping

A look at another new WebC feature - looping

Apr 4, 2023

Categories: WebC

WebC Updates in Eleventy

Description of updates to WebC

Mar 28, 2023

Categories: WebC


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

WebC for 11ty

WebC for 11ty

Feb 4, 2023

Categories: WebC

Using JavaScript in a WebC Component

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Feb 3, 2023

Categories: WebC

Quick WebC Tip

How to enable better color coding for your WebC templates

Jan 27, 2023

Categories: WebC

Importing external components in WebC via NPM

The online journal of Ashur Cabrera.

Dec 24, 2022

Categories: WebC

Eleventy 2.0 & WebC

I look at my experiences trying out Eleventy and its new Web Component language, webc.

Dec 17, 2022

Categories: WebC

Exploring WebC

How to setup and create your first WebC component in a Nunjucks 11ty

Nov 30, 2022

Categories: WebC

Building a YouTube Embed Web Component (both vanilla and WebC flavored)

A look at a simple YouTube embed component built in traditional web components and Eleventy's WebC plugin.

Nov 17, 2022

Categories: YouTubeWebC

My notes on Eleventy WebC components

WebC is a compiler for single file Web Components that brings first-class component model to Eleventy!

Oct 28, 2022

Categories: WebC

Understanding WebC Features and Concepts

WebC is an exciting addition to the 11ty ecosystem as it enables first-class components. Putting the pieces together may be a little overwhelming, so let’s review some WebC features to help you be successful!

Oct 24, 2022

Categories: WebC


WebC, the latest addition to the Eleventy suite of technologies, is focused on making Web Components easier to use.

Oct 23, 2022

Categories: WebC

First Experience Building with Eleventy's WebC Plugin

My first attempt working with Eleventy's new Web Component plugin

Oct 16, 2022

Categories: WebCPlugins

Introduction to WebC

What is WebC and what does it have to do with Eleventy?

Oct 15, 2022

Categories: WebC

Using Storybook With 11ty

Storybook is great for component-driven development. This blog post shows you how to use Storybook with 11ty.

Apr 6, 2022

Categories: How to...ShortcodesWebC

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