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87 posts in 'Migrating to Eleventy'

Porting to 11ty v3 and TypeScript

In which I detail how I ported to 11ty v3 and Tyescript

Jul 21, 2024

Categories: How to...Migrating to Eleventy

This site is under construction!

Notes on migrating this website from Jekyll to Eleventy, as well as a bit of (re)design in the open.

Jul 14, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

This site goes up to Eleventy.

I just migrated this little website’s internals over to Eleventy. If I did my job right, you won’t notice the change.

Jul 14, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Migrating from Laravel to Eleventy

I've switched tech stacks again. After 2 years, this website is now powered by Eleventy. This post explains why I did that.

May 20, 2024

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

April 2024 Leilukin's Hub Overhaul with Eleventy

I rebuilt my website with the static site generator Eleventy in April 2024.

Apr 21, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

The "IndieWeb" feels like coming home

I moved this site to Eleventy hosted on Neocities and as a result I'm having fun with my website again!

Mar 14, 2024

Categories: BloggingGetting StartedMigrating to Eleventy

Version 3

I'll show you the true power of being third!

Mar 2, 2024

Categories: CSS/SassData CascadeGlobal DataMigrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Why I Migrated My Newsletter From Substack to Eleventy and Buttondown

Today I've gone live with a new website and email newsletter platform for Cybercultural, my tech history newsletter that I started on Substack in 2019. What pushed me to migrate off Substack is its stance on hate content, which I personally object to. But over the past several months, I've…

Jan 26, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Eleventy Migration

Back in 2018 I migrated my blog from WordPress to Hexo. Hexo is a static site generator running on Node.js. At the time I chose Hexo because it allowed me complete control over the structure of the resulting website, plus I could override and tweak the markup of the resulting pages. Hexo is a fairly fully-featured static site generator. It has a lot of functionality built into it to cover a lot of...

Jan 13, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Migrating my site from NextJS to Eleventy

I recently migrated my website from NextJS to Eleventy.

Dec 17, 2023

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWebCWhy Eleventy?

Migrating to Eleventy

renkotsuban's personal site and blog.

Nov 15, 2023

Categories: Getting StartedHow to...Migrating to Eleventy

I've switched to Eleventy: my thoughts

In this article, I will talk about why I switched, how I did it, and my thoughts about Eleventy as a new user.

Oct 27, 2023

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Migrating Blogger to Eleventy

Shifting into the future

Oct 13, 2023

Categories: Migrating to EleventyHow to...Blogging

Migrating blog to a static site generator - 11ty versus Astro

Benefits, downsides and the whole journey of migrating to an SSG.

Sep 9, 2023

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Migrer de Ghost à 11ty (Migrating from Ghost to 11ty)

Journal personnel de GoOz, avec des mots petits et grands.

Aug 31, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating from WordPress to 11ty: Enhancing Website Performance and Control

Discover the benefits of using 11ty for static website generation, including improved performance, simplicity, and control over your website. Take your online presence to new heights with 11ty.

Aug 13, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

WordPress to Eleventy - Part 1, The Why

For years my personal website used WordPress, now it's using Eleventy and this is why

Jun 18, 2023

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

WordPress to Eleventy - Part 2, The How

For years my personal website used WordPress, now it's using Eleventy and this is how I migrated it

Jun 18, 2023

Categories: Migrating to EleventyHow to...

Converting a Drupal site to 11ty

I blog about my adventures with technology, text and data analysis, and digital philology

Jun 1, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating This Site from Joomla To Eleventy

Describes the process I used to migrate a 14 year old Joomla site (this one) to Eleventy and the tools I created to simplify the process (that you can use in your Joomla to Eleventy migrations).

May 30, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

11ty 4tw!

Since 1998 I’m developing websites and software, do logo design and occasional classic print design. This place is for sharing my unstoppable love and fascination for everything interactive and beyond.

Apr 18, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

A New LitLab Website

The Stanford Literary Lab is a research collective that applies computational criticism, in all its forms, to the study of literature.

Apr 13, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from WordPress to 11ty

After 17 years with WordPress, it's time for something different. Here's how I migrated 500 posts to a static site generator.

Apr 5, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

wp-to-11ty - export WordPress XML and convert it to Eleventy (Github repo)

Convert a WordPress XML export to a new 11ty Blog. Contribute to jmhobbs/wp-to-11ty development by creating an account on GitHub.

Apr 5, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating to Eleventy from AnchorCMS

How I migrated my old blog content from a defunct CMS to Eleventy.

Mar 24, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

From Jekyll & Hugo to Eleventy


Mar 6, 2023

Categories: DatesMigrating to Eleventy


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Website re-platform and a light redesign for 2023

Time for a site rebuild and this time I went with a static site generator

Feb 3, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Notes on Migrating a Wordpress Site to Eleventy

Some helpful notes and tools for migrating an existing Wordpress site to Eleventy

Jan 31, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Escaping Jekyll, and moving to Eleventy

Articles, information, and tutorials on development, programming, technology, science.

Jan 28, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Website redesign with 11ty!

I have rewritten my website to utilize 11ty, and it was a lot of fun

Jan 25, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

A new website: now on Eleventy!

Announcing the new version of my personal website - this time around I built it in Eleventy.

Dec 1, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

The next time you see me I will be Eleventy

Engineering Management, SQL, and a dash of front-end from NYC.

Oct 13, 2022

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

A New Schmidtynotes

My work, notes, musings and more. Some serious, some not.

Jul 17, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Why we switched to Eleventy + Netlify

From the minds at Chromatic: Expert opinions on Drupal, WordPress, software development, and business strategies.

Jun 6, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

New Looks

Full-stack development and design. Based in Central Ohio and accepting projects from all over the world.

Apr 6, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating From WordPress to Eleventy - a non-developer's experience

I recently switched this website / blog from to Eleventy. I'm not a developer. Find out what happened!

Mar 29, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating Hugo to Eleventy - Initial Thoughts

Migrating from Hugo to Eleventy has been a really pleasant and enjoyable experience.

Feb 1, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Migrating to Eleventy

Quick brain dump around my experience with Eleventy.js, a static site generator.

Nov 8, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Converting a simple HTML site to use Eleventy

For when you're ready for a little templating fun

Oct 23, 2021

Categories: How to...Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from Hexo to Eleventy

Migrating my blog to a new static site generator and redesigning my theme.

May 28, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating This Blog From Jekyll to Eleventy

Jekyll has been powering this site for many years now. It replaced my WordPress setup, and I haven't looked back. Over the last few months, I have become fed up with Jekyll. It's slowing me down. Time to replace it with something new and shiny!

Apr 18, 2021

Categories: Migrating to EleventyBlogging

Migrating from Hugo to Eleventy

A short summary of this site's migration from Hugo to Eleventy.

Mar 29, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving a blog from Jekyll to Eleventy

This post walks through how to set up a blog with the Eleventy static site generator and deploy it using Netlify. We'll cover topics such as migrating from Jekyll, configuring and extending Eleventy, adding syntax highlighting, an RSS feed, a sitemap, SEO meta tags, privacy-friendly analytics, web fonts, and hosting images.

Mar 21, 2021

Categories: Migrating to EleventyBlogging

Now with added Eleventy!

Ever since I gave Eleventy a go when I was building the LeedsJS website, I've been a huge fan and advocate, even convincing some people to give it a try out of my sheer enthusiasm for it. I absolutely love the simplicity and flexibility of it, as well as things like data files. I have a whole post talking about this stuff from when I was building the new LeedsJS website. I've been meaning to convert my own site over for a while, and recently took the plunge and decided to do it. As well as giving me the opportunity to dig into Eleventy without a deadline pressing me, it also gave me the chance to make some stylistic changes.

Feb 12, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from Gatsby to Eleventy

Thoughts and learnings of Graham Martin, a UI Developer in London, UK

Jan 17, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

From Jekyll to 11ty

I’m Kitty Giraudel, a non-binary trans frontend developer based in Berlin, focused on accessibility and inclusivity.

Nov 30, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

From Gatsby to Eleventy

In this post I'll compare my experience building my personal blogging site (the one you're on now) with two static site generators (SSGs) - Gatsby and Eleventy…

Nov 20, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Converting Behind the Source to 11ty

I spent the week converting Behind the Source from Craft to Eleventy (a static site generator). Will I use it again?

Oct 7, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating from Node and Express to the Jamstack - Part 3

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Aug 16, 2020

Categories: Migrating to EleventyServerlessHow to...Remote Data

Migrating from Node and Express to the Jamstack - Part 2

A look at how you can migrate from Node to the Jamstack - this edition focused on users

Aug 15, 2020

Categories: ServerlessMigrating to Eleventy

Moving from Panini to Eleventy

Hello. I am Ken Hawkins. Builder of websites, project planner, newspaper nerd, information architect, lover of UX, consultant. Information structure is my thing.

Jul 13, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from WordPress to Eleventy

Some thoughts and findings from my first forays converting a WordPress blog into a static site with 11ty (coincidentally split into 11 sections 👀).

Jun 30, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from Jekyll to Eleventy

Moving a blog-centric site from Ruby-based Jekyll to Javascript-based Eleventy.

Jun 19, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Goodby Sapper, Hello Eleventy!

Sometimes things change fast: Just about two months after I launched this website with the SSR-Framework Sapper I'm replacing it with a site that is generated with the static site generator Eleventy. Let me explain.

May 13, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving From Ghost to Eleventy

Ramblings on bacon, drawing, and technology

Apr 29, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving this blog from Jekyll to 11ty

A couple of gotchas but mostly very straightforward

Mar 15, 2020

Categories: Migrating to EleventyBlogging

Taking WordPress to Eleventy

How I converted 12 years of posts in WordPress to an Eleventy static site ... and loved every minute of it.

Feb 9, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating from WordPress to Eleventy

Author: Ed Spencer, Article: Migrating from WordPress to Eleventy

Oct 16, 2019

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Why I left Hugo for Eleventy

Only weeks after telling you I was sticking with Hugo, I switch to Eleventy: the whys and wherefores.

Sep 8, 2019

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

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