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101 posts by Raymond Camden

Upgraded to Eleventy 3.0 (Beta)

My experience upgrading this blog to the latest Eleventy blog.

Aug 5, 2024

Categories: How to...PluginsUpgrading

(Don't) Add BASIC Support to Eleventy

A bad idea. A very, very bad idea.

Jul 7, 2024

Categories: How to...

Add Squirrelly Support to Eleventy

How to add Squirrelly support to Eleventy

Jul 6, 2024

Categories: ConfigurationHow to...

Adding Music Previews to My Now Page

How I added a simple audio preview to my recent Spotify tracks.

Nov 29, 2023

Categories: How to...Remote Data

How to use "featured" posts to highlight important content.

Sep 12, 2023

Categories: Front MatterHow to...

Fun With Front Matter: Part 3 - Handling Edits

Another example of front matter - signifying edits (both when and why)

Aug 31, 2023

Categories: How to...Front Matter

Fun With Front Matter: Part 2 - Follow-ups

Using front matter to specify a follow up to your content.

Aug 29, 2023

Categories: Front MatterHow to...

A series on doing more with your Jamstack site's front matter

Aug 28, 2023

Categories: Front MatterFiltersHow to...

Using PDFs with Algolia and Adobe PDF Extract API

A look at using Adobe's PDF Extract API to integrate with Algolia's Search APIs

Jul 12, 2023

Categories: How to...Search

Creating Bootstrap WebC Components in Eleventy

Using WebC to make working with Bootstrap simpler.

Jun 19, 2023

Categories: WebCHow to...

Using Goodreads Data in Eleventy - Update

A followup to my previous article on Goodreads and Eleventy

Jun 8, 2023

Categories: Remote DataHow to...

Using Goodreads Data in Eleventy

An example of using exported Goodreads data in an Eleventy site.

Jun 7, 2023

Categories: Remote DataHow to...

Eleventy by Example, by Bryan Robinson

A review of "Eleventy by Example", by Bryan Robinson

May 18, 2023

Categories: Getting Started

Working with CloudCannon and Eleventy - My Experience

My experience testing the CloudCannon CMS experience with Eleventy.

Apr 6, 2023

Categories: CMS

WebC Updates in Eleventy - Looping

A look at another new WebC feature - looping

Apr 4, 2023

Categories: WebC

Awesome Algolia Updates (and some fixes here...)

News about Algolia's free tier changes and some fixes here.

Mar 30, 2023

Categories: How to...

WebC Updates in Eleventy

Description of updates to WebC

Mar 28, 2023

Categories: WebC

New Blog Same as the Old Blog

Details about my site rebuild.

Mar 27, 2023

Categories: BloggingConfiguration

Supporting PDF Embeds in an Eleventy WebC Component

Adding support for the Adobe PDF Embed with an Eleventy WebC Component

Mar 1, 2023

Categories: How to...

Update to My Eleventy Blog Guide

An update regarding my Eleventy blog guide.

Feb 25, 2023

Categories: Getting StartedBlogging

Building a Mastodon Bot Listing Page in Eleventy

How I built a page to show off my Mastodon bots.

Feb 15, 2023

Categories: How to...Social Media


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Using JavaScript in a WebC Component

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Feb 3, 2023

Categories: WebC

Quick WebC Tip

How to enable better color coding for your WebC templates

Jan 27, 2023

Categories: WebC

Adding Download Support in an Eleventy Site

An example of adding download resources to an Eleventy site

Dec 13, 2022

Categories: How to...

A Bare-Bones Eleventy Template for Glitch

A quick template for using Eleventy on Glitch

Nov 25, 2022

Categories: How to...

Building a YouTube Embed Web Component (both vanilla and WebC flavored)

A look at a simple YouTube embed component built in traditional web components and Eleventy's WebC plugin.

Nov 17, 2022

Categories: YouTubeWebC

Support External Articles in an Eleventy Blog

Adding a method to list external articles in an Eleventy blog

Nov 16, 2022

Categories: How to...

Some Options for Timing Pages in Eleventy

Some experiments timing slow pages with Eleventy

Nov 14, 2022

Categories: PerformanceHow to...Debugging

Quick LiquidJS + Eleventy Example - All Posts

Some quick things I learned about Liquid when building an "All Posts" page.

Nov 9, 2022

Categories: How to...Dates

Integrating Cloudinary into Eleventy

A look at integrating Cloudinary image processing with Eleventy

Oct 20, 2022

Categories: ImagesHow to...

First Experience Building with Eleventy's WebC Plugin

My first attempt working with Eleventy's new Web Component plugin

Oct 16, 2022

Categories: WebCPlugins

A quick example of adding social sharing links to your Eleventy site

Aug 22, 2022

Categories: Social MediaHow to...

Support Draft Blog Posts in Eleventy

A look at various ways of supporting draft posts with Eleventy

Aug 14, 2022

Categories: How to...ConfigurationCollectionsDrafts

Generating Zips in an Eleventy Site

An example of providing zipped resources in an Eleventy site.

Jul 23, 2022

Categories: How to...

Reading Comic Books in the Jamstack

Adding support for digital comic books to your Jamstack site

Jul 1, 2022

Categories: Global DataHow to...Images

Testing the Netlify Cache Plugin with Eleventy

An example of caching for Netlify with an Eleventy site

Jun 26, 2022

Categories: DeploymentData CascadeNetlify

A demonstration of how to get content published on the same day in the past.

Jun 23, 2022

Categories: DatesHow to...

Building a Quiz with Eleventy and Eleventy Serverless

How I built an Eleventy site driven by dynamic quiz data.

Jun 18, 2022

Categories: ServerlessHow to...

Use Your Saffron Recipes in the Jamstack

How to use your Saffron recipes in a jamstack site.

Apr 11, 2022

Categories: How to...

Thoughts on the Jamstack and Content Metrics

Tips for getting an understanding of your site's content

Apr 6, 2022

Categories: How to...

Including RSS Content in your Eleventy Site - Part 2

A follow up to my post on using RSS data with Eleventy sites

Apr 3, 2022

Categories: How to...Remote DataRSS

Including RSS Content in your Eleventy Site

A quick example of using RSS content for an Eleventy page.

Mar 8, 2022

Categories: Remote DataHow to...RSS

Adding QR Codes to Your Jamstack Site

A look at adding QR codes to your Jamstack site.

Feb 11, 2022

Categories: PaginationHow to...

A Google Static Maps Eleventy Plugin

A simple Eleventy plugin to support Google Static Maps

Feb 2, 2022

Categories: How to...Remote Data

Using a Google Photos Album in your Eleventy Site with Pipedream

Integrating a Google Photos Album in your Eleventy site with Pipedream

Jan 28, 2022

Categories: ImagesHow to...Remote DataImage Galleries

A Guide to Building a Blog in Eleventy

A guide that walks folks through the process of building a blog with Eleventy

Jan 19, 2022

Categories: BloggingHow to...Getting Started


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Running Netlify Dev and Eleventy Two or More Times At Once

A tip for folks using Netlify Dev and Eleventy

Dec 10, 2021

Categories: How to...

Eleventy 1.0 - Global Data via Plugins Example

A followup on my post concerning Eleventy's new addGloblData feature

Nov 7, 2021

Categories: Global DataPlugins

Eleventy 1.0 - New Option for Global Data

A look at a new way to create global data for Eleventy 1.0 sites.

Nov 2, 2021

Categories: Global Data

Eleventy 1.0 - Dynamic Ignores

Eleventy 1.0's new support for dynamic file ignore settings.

Oct 15, 2021

Categories: Configuration

Adding PDF Output Support to Eleventy

Using Eleventy transforms and Adobe PDF Services to create dynamic PDFs.

Oct 13, 2021

Categories: How to...

Eleventy Hack/Tip/Possibly Bad Idea - Dynamic Theme Testing

How to test a new theme in an Eleventy site

Oct 11, 2021

Categories: How to...Configuration

How to handle post relations in Eleventy in a manual fashion.

Sep 24, 2021

Categories: How to...Front Matter

Supporting Multiple Authors in an Eleventy Blog - Follow-Up

An udate to my earlier Eleventy demo showing how to handle multiple authors

Sep 19, 2021

Categories: How to...Front Matter

Using PDFs with the Jamstack - Building a Document Viewer

Using Adobe PDF Services to build a document viewer for your Jamstack site

Aug 30, 2021

Categories: How to...Global Data

Using Liquid Blocks in Eleventy Layouts

A look at using multiple blocks and having them render in Liquid templates

Aug 19, 2021

Categories: LayoutsHow to...

More Work on Algolia and My Blog

An update to my fight to get search working right on my blog

Aug 11, 2021

Categories: SearchHow to...

An Adobe PDF Embed Plugin for Eleventy

Eleventy users can now add a PDF Embed plugin to their sites

Aug 2, 2021

Categories: How to...Global DataConfigurationPlugins

Page Level URL Fetching with Eleventy

Making a network request on a page with Eleventy

Jul 30, 2021

Categories: How to...Remote DataFront MatterGlobal Data

Integrating Eleventy with GitHub Flat Data

How to use the Flat Data GitHub action with Eleventy

Jul 14, 2021

Categories: Remote Data

Creating an Additive Capture Shortcode in Eleventy

Creating a capture shortcode that appends insteads of replacing

Jul 12, 2021

Categories: How to...

Dynamic Short URLs with Eleventy

Creating URL aliases dynamically with Eleventy

Jun 22, 2021

Categories: Front MatterCollectionsHow to...

Using Lunr with Eleventy via Netlify Serverless Functions - Part Two

A followup to my post demonstrating using Lunr via serverless functions

Jun 6, 2021

Categories: SearchHow to...

Using Lunr with Eleventy via Netlify Serverless Functions

A look at using Lunr on the server side with an Eleventy web site

Jun 2, 2021

Categories: SearchHow to...

Building a Choose Your Own Adventure site with Eleventy

How I built a "Choose Your Own Adventure" style site with Eleventy

May 16, 2021

Categories: Front MatterHow to...

Adding an Email Subscription to Your Jamstack Site

Using MailChimp to provide a list service for new posts on your blog

May 1, 2021

Categories: How to...Front Matter

Building a Database Driven Eleventy Site

Using a database (MySQL) to drive content for an Eleventy site

Apr 15, 2021

Categories: PluginsPaginationGlobal Data

Using the Image plugin with Eleventy to build a simple gallery

Apr 7, 2021

Categories: ImagesHow to...PluginsConfigurationImage Galleries

Quick Tips for Eleventy and Vercel

A quick tip for folks using Eleventy and Vercel together.

Mar 27, 2021

Categories: DeploymentHow to...Debugging

Using PDFs with the Jamstack - Now with Thumbnails

Combing Adobe PDF APIs with Eleventy to create PDF Thumbnails

Mar 16, 2021

Categories: How to...Remote DataPagination

Using PDFs with the Jamstack

Using the Adobe PDF Embed API to view PDFs on your Jasmstack site

Feb 25, 2021

Categories: How to...Global DataPagination

Integrating Navigation Search with Lunr and Eleventy

How to use navigation search forms and Lunr

Feb 22, 2021

Categories: SearchNavigationHow to...

Using Pre-Built Lunr Indexes with Eleventy

Switching to Pre-Built Lunr indexes with Eleventy sites

Jan 22, 2021

Categories: SearchHow to...Configuration

Accessing Eleventy Data on the Client Side

Accessing Eleventy data files in your JavaScript code

Jan 18, 2021

Categories: Global DataRemote DataHow to...Front Matter

Adding Google Calendar to Your Jamstack - with Pipedream

An updated demonstration of integration calendar data into your Jamstack site - with Pipedream

Dec 8, 2020

Categories: Remote DataHow to...

Adding a Warning for Old Posts to Your Jamstack Site

How to add a message to older content on your static site.

Nov 9, 2020

Categories: How to...Filters

Selecting Random Posts in Eleventy

A look at adding links to random pages in Eleventy

Oct 26, 2020

Categories: How to...FiltersConfiguration

Tracking Posts by Week in Eleventy

A quick hack to get the number of posts written per week in Eleventy

Sep 30, 2020

Categories: How to...Dates

Hooking Up FaunaDB to Eleventy

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Sep 15, 2020

Categories: Remote DataHow to...Pagination

Supporting Multiple Authors in an Eleventy Blog

How to handle multiple authors in Eleventy, with custom author profile pages.

Aug 24, 2020

Categories: Front MatterHow to...FiltersPagination

Migrating from Node and Express to the Jamstack - Part 3

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Aug 16, 2020

Categories: Migrating to EleventyServerlessHow to...Remote Data

Migrating from Node and Express to the Jamstack - Part 2

A look at how you can migrate from Node to the Jamstack - this edition focused on users

Aug 15, 2020

Categories: ServerlessMigrating to Eleventy

Hiding Future Content with Eleventy

How to use custom filters and collections to hide Eleventy content for the future.

Aug 7, 2020

Categories: How to...Front MatterFiltersCollections

Migrating from Node and Express to the Jamstack - Part 1

A look at how you can migrate from Node to the Jamstack

Aug 6, 2020

Categories: Migrating to EleventyGlobal DataPagination

Adding Algolia Search to Eleventy and Netlify

How I added Algolia Search to an Eleventy Site

Jul 24, 2020

Categories: SearchHow to...

Adding Algolia Search to Eleventy and Netlify - Part Two

An update to my post on using Algolia with Eleventy

Jul 1, 2020

Categories: SearchHow to...

Integrating Google Analytics with Eleventy

How to use Google Analytics with Eleventy

May 21, 2020

Categories: How to...Remote Data

Integrating Netlify Analytics and Eleventy

How to use Netlify's Analytics API in Eleventy

May 18, 2020

Categories: How to...Remote Data

Quick Tip on Using Vue with Eleventy

Avoid issues with Vue code being confused for Liquid

Apr 3, 2020

Categories: How to...

Adding Another Template Language to Eleventy

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Feb 19, 2020

Categories: ConfigurationHow to...

Adding Text Linting to Eleventy

An example of using Eleventy's Linter feature

Feb 10, 2020

Categories: How to...Plugins

Checking (and Upgrading) Template Engines in Eleventy

How to check the version of embedded template engines in Eleventy

Feb 7, 2020

Categories: How to...ConfigurationFilters

Adding a Last Edited Field to Eleventy

How to add a "Last Edited" value to Eleventy pages.

Feb 6, 2020

Categories: How to...CollectionsConfigurationDates

Adding Search to your Eleventy Static Site with Lunr

Using Lunr to add client-site search to your static site

Oct 20, 2019

Categories: SearchCollectionsConfiguration

Why I'm Digging Eleventy

Father, husband, developer relations and web standards expert, and cat demo builder.

Oct 12, 2019

Categories: Why Eleventy?Pagination

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