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15 posts by Bryan Robinson

Book Release: Eleventy by Example – Learn 11ty with 5 in-depth projects

Oh! Hey! I wrote a book. Fancy that! It's, of course, all about 11ty.

Categories: Getting Started


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

11ty Second 11ty (YouTube playlist, 8 videos)

YouTube video

Categories: YouTube

11ty Second 11ty: Creating Template Filters

This week, we’re going to dive into 11ty filters. We’ll use 1 built-in filter, and make 2 custom filters.

Categories: How to...Filters

11ty Second 11ty: Global Data files (JS and JSON)

In these two videos, we take 110 seconds each to discuss how to use 11ty's Global Data files to pull static data with JSON and dynamic (at build time) data with JavaScript.

Categories: Global DataHow to...

11ty second 11ty: The Render Plugin Part 1

The Render plugin is comprised of two shortcodes for use in your Nunjucks, Liquid or JS templates. It’s a plugin that is bundled with the main 11ty NPM package and ready to use as soon as you nom install 11ty.

Categories: PluginsYouTube


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Building server-rendered search for static sites with 11ty Serverless, Netlify, and Algolia

Learn how to code progressive enhancement on the Jamstock with 11ty Serverless, Netlify, and Algolia, without bloating our codebase,

Categories: ServerlessSearchHow to...

Creating a dynamic color converter with 11ty Serverless

11ty started out as a static site generator, but is quickly getting into the dynamic game. Use the templates and structure you love, but use them on the server, as well!

Categories: Serverless

Using 11ty JavaScript Data files to mix Markdown and CMS content into one collection

In this article, we'll mix Markdown files with external data sources to create a unified 11ty Collection.

Categories: CMSCollections

Create a Plugin for 11ty (video)

YouTube video

Categories: PluginsYouTube

How to show your template code in 11ty blog posts

If you write a technical blog and use 11ty as your static site generator of choice you might run into a conundrum: How do you show Liquid or Nunjucks template code in your code blocks.

Categories: How to...Blogging

Climbing the 11ty Performance leaderboard with Cloudinary, critical CSS and more

A few weeks ago, Zach Leatherman announced that he was going to change the Built with 11ty section 11ty's documentation. He was going to create a performance leaderboard to showcase performant projects using the tool. I wanted my site to break into the top 100!

Categories: How to...CSS/Sass

Using Nunjucks 'If Expressions' in 11ty to create a simple active navigation state

In this tutorial, we'll set up a simple navigation, identify what page navigation item we need to activate based on URL parts and add an active class to that element with no need of an if tag

Categories: How to...

Creating an 11ty Plugin - SVG Embed Tool

In the sites I’ve built with Eleventy (11ty) recently, I’ve found myself reusing a couple filters. This has involved me copying and pasting the code a lot. The solution? Create an 11ty Plugin.

Categories: PluginsHow to...

Create an Eleventy (11ty) theme based on a free HTML template

In this video series, we'll take a look at what it takes to start with a free HTML template found on Google and convert it for use with a static site generator (SSG). We'll be using my personal favorite SSG 11ty (EleventyJS).

Categories: How to...YouTube

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