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7 posts by Ginger

Let's update the 11ty Edge Dark Mode Toggle

Using navigator.sendBeacon to toggle dark mode with 11ty Edge functions and Netlify

Nov 30, 2023

Categories: Edge FunctionsHow to...

Updating my Eleventy plugin tagCloud

A blog about web development, handy tutorials, quick rants, thoughts, and everything in between.

Nov 26, 2023

Categories: FiltersHow to...

Using 11ty to bring back tag clouds

Tag clouds are a good way of seeing what kind of posts are floating around in your blog, lets bring them back

Nov 16, 2023

Categories: FiltersHow to...Plugins

Making a privacy respecting hit counter with Plausible analytics

Adding a hit counter with Plausible is private and quick using their aggregate API

Nov 15, 2023

Categories: How to...Remote Data

How to setup Agit CMS with your 11ty website

The hackable, local, markdown based CMS for the developer that doesn't want content management to be a whole thing.

Nov 2, 2023

Categories: CMSFront MatterHow to...

Feedbin is rendering my RSS feed wrong, let's fix it!

Feedbin is removing the wrong elements, so let's make up for it on our own

Oct 31, 2023

Categories: FiltersHow to...RSS

What I learned making

A single purpose site that gives you all of the top level domains in one handy list.

Oct 18, 2023

Categories: PaginationPlugins

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