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3 posts by Silvestar Bistrović

Thirteenth place on Eleventy Leaderboards

My site got to thirteenth place on Eleventy Leaderboards with perfect Lighthouse scores.

Mar 27, 2024

Categories: How to...Performance

Building a Live Preview with Eleventy, Contentful, and Liquid Templating

As a part of the marketing team at Heyflow, I collaborate with people who work on the company’s website. Although all team members are technically acquainted, sometimes they struggle to update the website. The struggle is not being able to visualize what will change on the page when updating the content. Saving the updates and […]

Mar 22, 2024

Categories: CMSHow to...NetlifyRemote DataServerless

Extracting and using Critical CSS on my Eleventy site

This week I made some enhancements to extracting and implementing Critical CSS on my website that runs on Eleventy. Let's delve into its workings and features.

Feb 24, 2023

Categories: CSS/Sass

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