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Issue 5 - LAUNCH DAY!

7 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 5 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.

The 11ty Bundle started out as a series of blog posts on my personal site. The first 4 issues of the 11ty Bundle were published there and they have been migrated to this site. This is the first issue to be published here. You can learn more about how the 11ty Bundle came to be on the About page.

Each issue will contain the following sections: recent releases of official Eleventy repos, links to blog posts from around the web highlighting their use of Eleventy or a feature of Eleventy, a list of selected sites that are built with Eleventy, and a list of official and community resources for learning more about Eleventy.

Some issues will focus on a particular topic (or category). In this issue, we highlight posts from Eleventy adopters who have migrated from other static site generators, tools, and platforms. Other issues might add useful tips or code snippets or selected quotes commenting on Eleventy.

I hope you find this to be a useful resource to help you get the most out of Eleventy. There are more than 300 blog posts across more than 25 categories written by more than 100 authors.

Don't miss an issue. There are two RSS feeds, one is the Blog RSS for posts like the one you're reading now and those in the Blog and a second one, Firehose RSS, which includes all of the categorized posts written by numerous authors.

Feedback is welcome; drop me a line at bob dot monsour at

Recent releases

Eleventy v2.02-alpha.2

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. -...

Eleventy WebC v0.11.4

Single File Web Components. Contribute to 11ty/webc development by creating an account on GitHub.

Eleventy WebC v0.11.1: Quick fix for data access on slotted content

Single File Web Components. Contribute to 11ty/webc development by creating an account on GitHub.

Eleventy v2.02-alpha.1

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. -...


A minimalist bare-bones starter project using Eleventy and WebC. - 11ty/eleventy-base-webc

Posts from around the web

11ty 4tw!

Since 1998 I’m developing websites and software, do logo design and occasional classic print design. This place is for sharing my unstoppable love and fascination for everything interactive and beyond.

Apr 18, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving my site from Jekyll to Eleventy - Part II

What I learned along the way..

Feb 14, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Website re-platform and a light redesign for 2023

Simon Cox shares his experience replatforming his website with a fresh design for 2023.

Feb 3, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Escaping Jekyll, and moving to Eleventy

Articles, information, and tutorials on development, programming, technology, science.

Jan 28, 2023

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

A new website: now on Eleventy!

Announcing the new version of my personal website - this time around I built it in Eleventy.

Dec 1, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

The next time you see me I will be Eleventy

Engineering Management, SQL, and a dash of front-end from NYC.

Oct 13, 2022

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Moving my site from Jekyll to Eleventy - Part I

How I revamped my personal site.

Oct 10, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Why we switched to Eleventy + Netlify

From the minds at Chromatic: Expert opinions on Drupal, WordPress, software development, and business strategies.

Jun 6, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

I recently switched this website / blog from to Eleventy. I'm not a developer. Find out what happened!

Mar 29, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating Hugo to Eleventy - Initial Thoughts

Migrating from Hugo to Eleventy has been a really pleasant and enjoyable experience.

Feb 1, 2022

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating to Eleventy

Quick brain dump around my experience with Eleventy.js, a static site generator.

Nov 8, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Migrating This Blog From Jekyll to Eleventy

Jekyll has been powering this site for many years now. It replaced my WordPress setup, and I haven't looked back. Over the last few months, I have become fed up with Jekyll. It's slowing me down. Time to replace it with something new and shiny!

Apr 18, 2021

Categories: Migrating to EleventyBlogging

Moving a blog from Jekyll to Eleventy

This post walks through how to set up a blog with the Eleventy static site generator and deploy it using Netlify. We'll cover topics such as migrating from Jekyll, configuring and extending Eleventy, adding syntax highlighting, an RSS feed, a sitemap, SEO meta tags, privacy-friendly analytics, web fonts, and hosting images.

Mar 21, 2021

Categories: Migrating to EleventyBlogging

Now with added Eleventy!

Ever since I gave Eleventy a go when I was building the LeedsJS website, I've been a huge fan and advocate, even convincing some people to give it a try out of my sheer enthusiasm for it. I absolutely love the simplicity and flexibility of it, as well as things like data files. I have a whole post talking about this stuff from when I was building the new LeedsJS website. I've been meaning to convert my own site over for a while, and recently took the plunge and decided to do it. As well as giving me the opportunity to dig into Eleventy without a deadline pressing me, it also gave me the chance to make some stylistic changes.

Feb 12, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from Gatsby to Eleventy

Thoughts and learnings of Graham Martin, a UI Developer in London, UK

Jan 17, 2021

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

From Jekyll to 11ty

I’m Kitty Giraudel, a non-binary trans frontend developer based in Berlin, focused on accessibility and inclusivity.

Nov 30, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

From Gatsby to Eleventy

In this post I'll compare my experience building my personal blogging site (the one you're on now) with two static site generators (SSGs) - Gatsby and Eleventy…

Nov 20, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from Panini to Eleventy

Hello. I am Ken Hawkins. Builder of websites, project planner, newspaper nerd, information architect, lover of UX, consultant. Information structure is my thing.

Jul 13, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from WordPress to Eleventy

Some thoughts and findings from my first forays converting a WordPress blog into a static site with 11ty (coincidentally split into 11 sections 👀).

Jun 30, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving from Jekyll to Eleventy

Moving a blog-centric site from Ruby-based Jekyll to Javascript-based Eleventy.

Jun 19, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving From Ghost to Eleventy

Ramblings on bacon, drawing, and technology

Apr 29, 2020

Categories: Migrating to Eleventy

Moving this blog from Jekyll to 11ty

A couple of gotchas but mostly very straightforward

Mar 15, 2020

Categories: Migrating to EleventyBlogging

Built with Eleventy

This list is a little light this week, but not really...since all of the above blog posts are about migrating to Eleventy, all of them should be sites that are "Built with Eleventy."

ProcessWire Recipes

ProcessWire Recipes - collection of code snippets, demos, playground examples.

Nostos Safari

Nostos Safari Quad | Bali Crete Greece. Unforgettable cross country real off-road experience with...

Emily McCracken

Emily McCracken is a licensed Art Educator and former chocolate sculptress from northern Vermont.

Maxim Orlov

A collection of articles, tips and free goodies you shouldn't miss.

Tom Roseveare

Tom is a British creative leader based in Tokyo, inspiring teams to craft memorable and easy-to-use...

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