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6 posts by Ben Myers

Build a Blogroll with Eleventy

A step-by-step guide to adding a blogroll, complete with each blog's latest posts, to your Eleventy site.

Sep 21, 2023

Categories: Data CascadeRemote DataHow to...ConfigurationBlogging


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 3.01.

How I Doubled My Lighthouse Performance Score in One Night

I spent some time seeing if I could get my Lighthouse performance score up. Here's how I fared.

Jun 26, 2022

Categories: Performance


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 3.01.

I Finally Understand Eleventy's Data Cascade

Where does Eleventy get all of its data? Which data overrules other data? I've documented my whole mental model of Eleventy's data cascade.

Feb 21, 2021

Categories: Data CascadeGlobal Data

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