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10 posts by Jérôme Coupé

Eleventy Introduction

An introduction to Eleventy (11ty). Contribute to jeromecoupe/iad_eleventy_introduction development by creating an account on GitHub.

Nov 25, 2024

Categories: Getting Started


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 3.01.

External Asset Pipeline with Eleventy

I like to use NPM scripts for my asset pipeline instead of using Eleventy to generate assets and orchestrate everything. The latest release of Eleventy Dev Server makes that approach both easy to implement and quite performant.

Jan 23, 2023

Categories: Asset PipelinesConfiguration


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 3.01.

Modular code with Nunjucks and Eleventy

These days, web development and design are all about modularization and components. Template languages have a lot to offer and Eleventy itself has a few tricks up its sleeve.

Aug 6, 2021

Categories: Nunjucks/Macros

Structuring Eleventy projects

One of the great things about Eleventy is its flexibility and its lack of assumptions about how your projects should be organized. However, in order to preserve my own sanity, I needed to come up with a default files and folders architecture that made sense to me.

Jul 29, 2021

Categories: How to...

Performant data fetching with promises and Eleventy

Fetching a whole bunch of data from APIs at build time can be an intensive process. Getting that data in a performant way and caching it locally is an important part of Jamstack projects.

Jun 8, 2020

Categories: Remote Data

Basic custom taxonomies with Eleventy

Eleventy comes with a built-in tagging system. For a recent project, I wanted to use my own category system, which led me to dive a bit deeper into extending and configuring Eleventy.

Mar 4, 2020

Categories: Collections

Teaching in the open: Eleventy

Content Management Systems and structured data are part of my teaching duties. From the get go, I decided to cover both a database-driven CMS and a Static Site Generator. As far as the latter goes, I switched from Jekyll to Eleventy this year.

Jan 16, 2020

Categories: Getting Started

Language switcher for multilingual JAMstack sites

Following my blogpost on multilingual websites with Eleventy, I had several questions about how to build a language switcher. Here is the approach I generally use.

Sep 12, 2019

Categories: InternationalizationHow to...

Consuming a headless CMS GraphQL API with Eleventy

With Eleventy, consuming data coming from a GraphQL API to generate static pages is as straightforward as using Markdown files.

Aug 17, 2019

Categories: CMS

Multilingual sites with Eleventy

Eleventy might not have multilingual and localisation capabilities out of the box, but you can build a pretty good setup using global data files, collections and Nunjucks as a templating language.

Apr 27, 2019

Categories: ImagesHow to...

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