Issue 41 - This site's 1st birthday, the 11ty conference is next week, Generate robots.txt, Two more starters, Some radar sightings...And 1 release, 3 posts, and 3 sites to see
May 1, 2024
3 minutes to read
Welcome to Issue 41 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.
The email version of this blog is dangerously close to a whopping 30 subscribers. You, yes you, can be that 30th subscriber. Subscribe here.
This site's first birthday One year ago today, I posted Issue 5 of the 11ty Bundle. I called it LAUNCH DAY as that is when this site went live. The first 4 issues were published on my personal site (but have since been relocated here). At that time, the site featured "more than 300 blog posts across more than 25 categories written by more than 100 authors." As of today, we're at 1,054 blog posts, across 42 categories, written by 330 well as 30 starter projects. Most recently, I've added a newsletter version of the blog. I honestly don't know how long I'll keep this up, but I'm still having fun with it. I hope that you find it useful. I've written up a year in review post on my personal site.
Here's an early design sketch from April of last year:

11ty conference is next week, May 9th! Here's the list of speakers so far. It's FREE, single-track, and virtual. If you've waited until the last minute, now's the time to register.
Generate robots.txt Aleksandr Hovhannisyan has developed eleventy-plugin-robotstxt, an experimental plugin that is only compatible with Eleventy v3.0.0-alpha.6 or later. It's purpose is to "Automatically generate a robots.txt file for your Eleventy site using front matter." He provides lots of examples. Check it out.
Two new starters There's a resume template by Devon Wolf and an image portfolio website template named halide that uses Tina CMS by Dan Urbanowicz. Respective demos are here and here.
Some radar sightings These are just a couple of 11ty-related things that caught my eye.
Lucide is a set of SVG icons. And the eleventy-plugin-lucide-icons by Sean van Zuidam "...enables the inclusion of lucide-icons as inline SVG elements." It lets you use shortcodes like this {% lucide "shopping-cart" %}.
In Copy my Copywork, Simon Dann writes about why he publishes the source for his site "for all to see". He recounts how learned from others who published theirs and shares the site of Aram Zucker-Scharff, who based his site on Simon's source. It's one of the wonderful things about the web and open source.
One more thing... A lot of people have been building "now" pages, highlighting what they're up to at the moment. They've all be inspired by The Now Page Movement from Derek Sivers. Did you know that there's a category on this site called Now Page? It has (as of this writing) 11 posts. If you've thought of making your own, these might inspire you.
Ok, two more things This blog might have a dry spell for the rest of May and part of June as we're traveling a bit before my wife has her other hip replaced...and I have a hearing test to see if my profoundly deaf left ear qualifies for a cochlear implant. That said, while I might not publishing Issue 42, any new posts from the authors that I find will show up on the Firehose page thanks to a nightly rebuild. Note also that the Firehose has its own RSS feed.
Until next time...
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- Previous post: Issue 40 - Another canary, Tolkien's 'eleventy', Transforms in the docs, Dev Server 2.0, eleventy-img beta, Validate your data, Embed everything, Two new starters, 11ty conference speakers...And 3 releases, 7 posts, and 2 sites to see
- Next post: Issue 42 - I had some downtime, the 11ty conference is TOMORROW, Some releasings, An 11ty Firefox profiler, Another icon plugin...And 3 releases, 6 posts, and 3 sites to see