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Issue 63 - Build a centralized RSS feed, An aspirational web, An EmojiStorm on my Lens, Update: autofocus in search, What's on your bookshelf...And 6 releases, 6 posts and 17 sites to see

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Welcome to Issue 63 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.

An email version of this blog is available. Subscribe here.

A note from Bob:

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever faith brings you joy during this season!

Build a centralized RSS feed. Zach released a eleventy-activity-feed. Here's what it says on the tin: "Activity Feed lets you build one centralized RSS feed that pulls in new entries from a bunch of different social networking sites. Support for (one or more) YouTube, RSS or Atom for existing blogs, and Bluesky or Mastodon (via RSS)." Go forth, and feed!

An aspirational web. Cory Dransfeldt wrote a short post about the W3C's recent Statement on Ethical Web Principles. I think Cory nails it when he says, "As developers, technologists and people it's incumbent upon us to help contribute to the web we'd like to see."

An EmojiStorm on my Lens. I know, that makes no sense at all, unless you've been following Robb Knight's work on his silly side project called EmojiStorm and his more useful side project called Lens. Go and check out EmojiStorm as there's not much to say here. On the other hand, Lens is a sweet little meta tag checker. Robb wrote a post about it. In short, you enter your URL, and it checks out the the page. You get a nice little series of green least I did when I tried it out on one site. I don't know if you have bad meta tags. So, go ahead and put your pages under the Lens.

Update: autofocus in search. I got some excellent feedback on the question that I posed in the last issue. I've decided to remove the autofocus from the search form that is on every page. Jan De Wilde provided some very thoughtful feedback and educated me on the accessibility that is lost when autofocus is not used in the right circumstances. My apologies to any visitors here where were frustrated by the use of autofocus.

What's on your bookshelf. Due to a strange confluence of events, ranging from a question on social media to sitting on a jury with another web dude to an 11ty dev writing up how he built his, it seems that "bookshelves" are appearing on more and more personal sites. Anyway, I've been inspired by several of these bookshelves:

And in this issue, you'll find a post about how Chazz built his. In an earlier issue, we featured a post by Melanie Richards about how she built hers.

Having been so inspired, I decided to spin one up over the last few days. I haven't written about it yet, but here it is. I'll write about my approach to it before too long. Suffice it to say that smallish data sets can be messier than you might expect.

Until next time...

Recent releases

Eleventy v3.0.1-alpha.1

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. -...

Eleventy Utils v2.0.0

Lower level internal utilities to share amongst Eleventy packages - Release Eleventy Utils v2.0.0 ·...


Create one centralized RSS feed for all of the content you create across the web (aggregates from...

Eleventy Import v1.0.8

Utility to import content from multiple services (and a CLI, too) - Release Eleventy Import v1.0.8 ·...

Eleventy Import v1.0.7

Utility to import content from multiple services (and a CLI, too) - Release Eleventy Import v1.0.7 ·...

Posts from around the web

11ty Git Commit Messages

Stealing Angie's Commit messages for my 11ty needs

Dec 14, 2024

Categories: How to...

Adding Random Content Using Eleventy

Learn how to use Eleventy to add dynamic, random content like film quotes or targeted Q&A sections to your website. A step-by-step guide with practical examples and code snippets.

Dec 13, 2024

Categories: Data CascadeHow to...Nunjucks/MacrosShortcodes

Building a Goodreads bookshelf for 11ty

Fuck you, Bezos! (for killing the API)

Dec 6, 2024

Categories: How to...Remote Data

WordPress to Eleventy - The Why and How

This is Gregory Hammond's personal website, where he blogs about many topics. Usually posts once a month.

Nov 17, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.


Who tf is thisguise!?

Francis Beaudet

This is my personal website and blog.


Matt Richards - Senior Staff Product Engineer / Engineering Lead based in Berlin.

Zylla News

Zylla Start pour construire rapidement un site statique propulsé par 11ty avec juste le minimum de...

Virtual Comedy Cafe

Celebrating student amateur stand-up comedy.

Input 4 RelCFP

the input feeds used for religion call for papers

Theology RSS Reeder

Theology Blog feed reader

Doctrine of Discovery

The Doctrines of Christian Discovery (DoCD) originate with 15th century Papal Bulls that were issued...

Amerian Indian Law Alliance

The American Indian Law Alliance (AILA) is an Indigenous NGO that works with Indigenous nations,...

76 Oranges

76 Oranges is a design studio that creates modern, colorful, and fun art for your everyday life. We...

Stephanie Wyatt

Rev. Dr. Stephanie Wyatt earned her Ph.D. in the area of Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) from Brite...


GUI-Based Keyboard Remapper with Profiles, Auto Clicker, Screen Clicker, Multiple Files Opener,...

The Misplay

A podcast about making a company making a board game

heavy dot rocks

Personal blog site, no specific topics or categories.

Award Winning Books

Curated award-winning titles to help you experience the best of literature.

Campaign URL Builder

Use the Campaign URL Builder to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom...

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