Issue 20 - A safe landing on Google Sheets...7 million npm downloads...11tybundle site posts arrive in the docs...And 10 posts and 7 sites to see.
Oct 29, 2023
3 minutes to read
Welcome to Issue 20 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.
A safe landing on Google Sheets
If you recall from the last issue, I had moved the data that drives the site from Airtable to Google Sheets. Since that time, with the help of @Aankhen, a prolific helper on the Discord server, I successfully moved the site to use the Google Sheets API to get the data directly at build time, rather than the method I was using. This is a much cleaner solution and I'm very happy with it. The workflow is better than what I had with Airtable and I'm back to having nightly builds of the site.
[UPDATE: 10-31-2023]: I wrote about how I got this working here.
7 million npm downloads
Zach announced yet another major milestone of Eleventy usage. Eleventy passed seven million lifetime downloads!
11tybundle site posts arrive in the docs
And if that wasn't enough news, Zach reached out to me and asked if I'd be willing to generate a json file of the posts in the CMS category for use on the new CMS page in the docs. I was happy to do so and you can see the results here. We hope to be adding more of these for selected other pages in the docs. So now you have two places where you'll find the posts that are included here on the site.
10 posts and 7 sites to see
Well, I guess the heading says it all for this section.
Until next time...
Recent releases
No new releases since the last issue.
Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue
Better word counts and reading time in Eleventy (11ty)
A short tutorial on how to count words and determine the reading time using Eleventy.
Oct 29, 2023
by Andrew Ward (3 posts) · Website & RSS feed
How to find backlinks using Eleventy (11ty)
A short tutorial on how to find backlinks (pages that link to the current page) using Eleventy
Oct 29, 2023
by Andrew Ward (3 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Cleaning up the 11ty config
The eleventy config file can get cluttered quickly so I cleaned mine up
Oct 29, 2023
by Simon Cox (12 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: ConfigurationHow to...
I've switched to Eleventy: my thoughts
In this article, I will talk about why I switched, how I did it, and my thoughts about Eleventy as a new user.
Oct 27, 2023
by Andrew Ward (3 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?
My Neocities workflow: using Eleventy and the CLI to speed up development
Oct 27, 2023
by Whiona (1 post) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: BloggingDeploymentGetting StartedHow to...
Building a photography website
The setup for sharing my photo gallery.
Oct 25, 2023
by Darek Kay (5 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: How to...ImagesNavigationImage Galleries
Seven Million npm Downloads
Seven Million npm Downloads! — Eleventy
Oct 23, 2023
by 11ty (18 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: Deployment
Clean Up Your Config File
MooseDog Studios - Where Convention Takes A Back Seat To Quality
Oct 23, 2023
by Robin Hoover (4 posts) · Website
Categories: ConfigurationHow to...
Headless kiosk application (with Kirby CMS)
Use Kirby and 11ty to generate a headless kiosk application hat works offline.
Oct 1, 2023
by James Steel (1 post) · Website & RSS feed
Built with Eleventy
Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.
Hi, I'm rubenwardy. I'm a software engineer, an open source contributor, and a graduate from the...
personal portfolio website that collects all my projects and professional experiences.
The personal site of Ed Millington, a front-end web developer based in Christchurch, NZ.
Game developper and content creator.
No CDN is the same. With useful, factual information and handy tools we help you select the right...
Odes & Satires, and other matters of stuff & things.
a little subsite in the lower Discworld, a small personal blog of parth shiralkar
A blog about web development, handy tutorials, quick rants, thoughts, and everything in between.