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Issue 21 - A new mascot for 11ty...Another free hosting option...A new front matter option...And 10 posts and 6 sites to see.

2 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 21 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.

A new mascot for Eleventy

Say hello to our new little friend, created by David Neal, a very talented artist and long-time Eleventy enthusiast. If you have ideas for its name, please share them on Mastodon.

Eleventy mascot, a possum wearing large glasses

Another free hosting option

Kinsta, a hosting platform for web apps and sites has announced a free tier for hosting static sites, including support for Eleventy. According to the page describing the features, you can have up to 100 sites, 600 build minutes, and 100GB bandwidth per month per account, and automatic deploys based on pushes to your repositories. I have no dog in this fight, but wanted to share this announcement.

A new front matter option

In the upcoming 3.0 release, there will be a new feature that will be familar to folks using WebC. You can use arbitrary JavaScript in your front matter. You can read more about it in this GitHub discussion thread.

Until next time...

Recent releases

No new releases since the last issue.

Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue

Using Wordpress as a headless CMS for Eleventy

How I avoided having to re-learn PHP and love Eleventy.

Nov 7, 2023

Categories: CMSGlobal DataNavigationPaginationRemote DataSearch

From Jason 2.0 is an 11ty-powered digital garden with multiple plots

Odes & Satires, and other matters of stuff & things.

Nov 6, 2023

Categories: Blogging

How to setup Agit CMS with your 11ty website

The hackable, local, markdown based CMS for the developer that doesn't want content management to be a whole thing.

Nov 2, 2023

Categories: CMSFront MatterHow to...

Eleventy Date-only Filter

I noticed recently that the site's stats page displayed the first and last post dates with time information even though the values only contained dates. I created a simple Eleventy Filter to trim them to date only with the format I wanted. This post shows how I did it.

Oct 31, 2023

Categories: DatesFilters

Pagination in a Javacsript template with Eleventy

Here I use a javascript template to generate json data files for selected categories of the site.

Oct 31, 2023

Categories: How to...Pagination

Scratch that...use the Google Sheets API

Just generating a json file from Google Sheets was not good enough. I had to use the API.

Oct 30, 2023

Categories: Data CascadeGlobal DataNetlifyRemote Data

Eleventy Excellent demo branches

Frontend developer and designer living in Madrid. I enjoy working with semantic HTML, vanilla Javascript and modern CSS.

Oct 30, 2023

Categories: BloggingConfigurationPagination

Under the hood

LostInBrittany's tech blog, reborn... again...

Oct 9, 2023

Categories: WebCWhy Eleventy?

Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.


A web designer, developer and tinkerer from germay who does projects on the internet and writes a...

Christian Engel's personal blog about coding, spatial stuff and everything else

Justin Pinkney

Justin Pinkney's home on the web

My Digital Garden

An evolving set of notes by Synesthesia.

Adam J. Jolicoeur

The portfolio site for Adam Jolicoeur.

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