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Issue 22ty - Happy Thanksgiving!...Crossing the 800 post threshold...Collapsing the firehose...And 15 posts and 11 sites to see.

3 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 22 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a static site generator that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple templating languages, including HTML, Markdown, Nunjucks, Liquid, and more, which gives developers the freedom to choose the languages they are most comfortable with or that best suit their project's needs.

I've got way too many things on my plate right now (some good, some not so much), so I'm going to keep this issue short and sweet.

If you had told me back in March when I started this project that there would be more than 800 blog posts on this site by Thanksgiving, I'd have called you crazy. But here we are. Fortunately, I still enjoy cranking this stuff out and I hope that you are finding the content to be useful in your own Eleventy journey.

One new late addition feature: On the Firehose page, you can collapse the list of posts by year. And whether collapsed or not, searching within the page using the browser's search feature will search all posts, not just the ones that are visible. I'd been wanting to do this for a while and now it's here.

Enjoy the new nuggets below. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it. If not, I hope you have a wonderful day.

An artistic image of a turkey wearing a hat

Until next time...

Recent releases

Eleventy Image v3.1.8

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Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue

Excluding Livestreams from the YouTube Data API in JavaScript

The YouTube API doesn't exclude past livestream videos from a playlist on its own. Here's how I filtered them.

Categories: How to...Remote DataYouTube

Using 11ty to bring back tag clouds

Tag clouds are a good way of seeing what kind of posts are floating around in your blog, lets bring them back

Categories: FiltersHow to...Plugins

Making a privacy respecting hit counter with Plausible analytics

Adding a hit counter with Plausible is private and quick using their aggregate API

Categories: How to...Remote Data

Migrating to Eleventy

renkotsuban's personal site and blog.

Categories: Getting StartedHow to...Migrating to Eleventy

A new technique for image optimization: SVG short circuiting

A post by Zach Leatherman (zachleat)

Categories: How to...ImagesPlugins

Hacking together a replacement

I mused the other day about wanting a replacement for which shut down due to Twitter's API changes and restrictions. In my case, the aim would be to make this compatible with Mastodon since that's where I've found myself spending the most time recently.

Categories: How to...Remote Data

Automatically optimize your images with Eleventy Image and CloudCannon

Websites are becoming increasingly visual and we're adding more and more image content to our sites — but these images need to be optimized.

Categories: ImagesPerformancePlugins

Highlighting the current category in Eleventy

Highlight current parent folder using the eleventy-navigation plugin

Categories: How to...Navigation

11ty Quick Tip: Minify inline JavaScript in WebC

For when you need to minify your WebC JavaScript

Categories: Asset PipelinesHow to...WebC

Feedbin is rendering my RSS feed wrong, let's fix it!

Feedbin is removing the wrong elements, so let's make up for it on our own

Categories: FiltersHow to...RSS

What I learned making

A single purpose site that gives you all of the top level domains in one handy list.

Categories: PaginationPlugins

Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.

Cash register, Store application, Restaurant application, Website Dev

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Téotime Pacreau

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Runaway Racing

Runaway Racing has been organising trail running events since 2017, including four annual ultra...


Website and blog of Florian Eckerstorfer, a web developer living and working in Vienna, Europe. He...

Thomas Rigby

Just another developer's blog


Kromatic : Expertise en IA, Low Code / No Code. Accompagnement dans la transformation digitale pour...


Ondřej Konečný – Product Designer

The Galactic Guppy

The Galactic Guppy is a webcomic by Josh Crain

Rasoi Haven

Parth Shiralkar is cooking

Josh Crain

Josh Crain has experience as a web designer, product designer, and front-end developer. Design...

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