Issue 39 - Another canary, Netlify redirects in your front matter, a speedlify question, just an 5 posts and 4 sites to see.
Apr 16, 2024
3 minutes to read
Welcome to Issue 39 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.
The email version of this blog is rocking the house! The subscriber count has reached double digits (yes, more than 10)...exceeding expectations. You can subscribe here.
There's a new canary among us Eleventy canary v3.0.0-alpha.6 was released last week. It incorporates the Virtual Templates that I mentioned last week. And there's an update to how directory references work in the context of Virtual Templates. If you have not yet tested your site with the canary releases of 3.0, here's how you can.
Define Netlify redirect rules in your templates' front matter Using the new Virtual Templates in 3.0.0-alpha.6, Aleksandr Hovhannisyan created eleventy-plugin-netlify-redirects to do just that. In the README, he notes his motivation: "You can define Netlify redirect rules by hand, but this requires keeping the new/current URL up to date and in sync with your template files' slugs/permalinks. If you change a template file name multiple times, that becomes a headache to manage. This plugin allows you to define your redirect rules right inside your templates' front matter; the new/current URL is always page.url." I expect that there will be more interesting use cases for this new capability.
Speedlify and the Leaderboards A comment came up on the Discord server recently noting that there had been no mention of how often the Eleventy Leaderboards are updated. I have no specific facts, but from what I've heard, I believe that they get updated every few months, perhaps once per quarter. Did you know that you can run your own instance of speedlify to run these tests on your own set of websites?
Start an Eleventy site with just As Juha-Matti Santala so eloquently put it " is a valid Eleventy project." In this brief post, he highlights how, with Eleventy, "You can start so simple and keep enhancing it. You can pick the parts you want to bring in and skip the ones you don’t like or need." This tracks with the Quick Start in 2 Steps that Zach shows on the Eleventy home page. for the win!
Register for 11ty conference Once again, there's still time to register for the 11ty conference, a free, single-day, single-track, and completely virtual conference scheduled for May 9th.
Until next time...
Recent releases
While I know that v3.0.0-alpha.6 was released, it does not appear to have been tagged on GitHub as of this writing. That said, I know that Zach and the team have been cranking through issues over the past week as evidenced by the quantity of email landing in my GitHub Gmail folder.
Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue is a valid Eleventy project
Building website projects from the scratch with Eleventy is a delightful process in my experience because in the beginning, all you need is and you can then customise and add on top of it as much as you like.
Apr 13, 2024
by Juha-Matti Santala (15 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: Getting StartedWhy Eleventy?
Fixing a typo shaved 4 minutes off my Netlify build time
Caching images across Netlify builds
Apr 10, 2024
by Thomas Rigby (7 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: DeploymentHow to...PerformanceImages
Notifications for New Eleventy Posts in GitLab - Part 1
An implementation for identifying new posts in an Eleventy site built on GitLab pages and sending post-specific notifications (part 1 of 2).
Apr 8, 2024
by Aaron Goldenthal (4 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: CollectionsConfigurationHow to...
2024 redesign
Some notes about this 2024 redesign.
Apr 4, 2024
by Christopher Kirk-Nielsen (9 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: Asset PipelinesHow to...Plugins
Built with Eleventy
Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.
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- Previous post: Issue 38 - Plugins, Virtual templates, Register for the 11ty conf, eleventeen starter update, 11feed, the Static Site Fan Club show, a redesign, a cool site...And 3 posts and 8 sites to see.
- Next post: Issue 40 - Another canary, Tolkien's 'eleventy', Transforms in the docs, Dev Server 2.0, eleventy-img beta, Validate your data, Embed everything, Two new starters, 11ty conference speakers...And 3 releases, 7 posts, and 2 sites to see