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Issue 52 - Zach's Eleventy Weekly Report №7, Official Template Language Plugins, Simpler drafts in alpha.17, Migrations from Jekyll, Turning arbitrary files into a collection, 11ty and the Salesforce API, Generating a responsive CSS background image...And 4 releases, 10 posts, and 11 sites to see

4 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 52 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.

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My ass has been dragging this week, but here we go...better late than never.

Zach's Eleventy Weekly Report №7. Here's Zach's Mastodon post where he's been outlining his weekly progress on all things Eleventy, some of which I recap below.

Zach's weekly eleventy update number 5

Official Template Language Plugins. Zach has released template language plugins for ejs, handlebars, mustache, and haml. Here are links to the docs for each. Note that these are 3.0 and higher only.

Note also that these are not part of the core of Eleventy, but have to be installed individually. See ejs, handlebars, mustache, and haml for more information.

Simpler drafts in alpha.17. Zach has been working on a simpler way to handle drafts in Eleventy. This will be available in the yet-to-be-released alpha.17. See this issue comment for more information.

Migrations from Jekyll. Two of this week's post discuss their migration from Jekyll to Eleventy and the "why" behind them. Joining us are Ethan Marcotte and Chris Henrick.

Turning arbitrary files into a collection. David Darnes posed the question of how to loop through arbitrary files in Eleventy. As it turns out, it was easier than he thought. See the discussion in this Mastodon thread.

11ty and the Salesforce API. Jeff Sikes has an interesting post on how he used Eleventy to pull data from the Salesforce API. Here's his post.

Generating a responsive CSS background image. Phil Rentier Digital has a fascinating post on how he used the image plugin to generate a responsive CSS background image. He worked it all out with the help of our exceptional Discord community.

There are more great posts in this week's list below...and this is getting longer than usual, so please browse down below and see what's new.

Until next time...

Recent releases

Eleventy v3.0.0-alpha.16 (feel free to ignore this one)

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. -...

Eleventy RSS Plugin v2.0.2

A pack of Eleventy plugins for generating an RSS feed. - Release Eleventy RSS Plugin v2.0.2 ·...

eleventy-img v5.0.0-beta.5

Utility to perform build-time image transformations. - Release v5.0.0-beta.5 · 11ty/eleventy-img

Eleventy v3.0.0-alpha.15

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. -...

Posts from around the web

This site is under construction!

Notes on migrating this website from Jekyll to Eleventy, as well as a bit of (re)design in the open.

Jul 14, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

This site goes up to Eleventy.

I just migrated this little website’s internals over to Eleventy. If I did my job right, you won’t notice the change.

Jul 14, 2024

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Building a Euros sweepstake website with 11ty

Building a Euros sweepstake website with 11ty

Jul 11, 2024

Categories: DeploymentHow to...Remote DataScheduling

Getting my top posts from Umami

I recently started using for website analytics, and figured I could use the API to output some stats about my blog

Jul 10, 2024

Categories: FiltersHow to...Remote Data

GitHub Pages Reboot With 11ty

I've had my repos listed on my GitHub pages for 14 years, it was time to revisit it.

Jul 10, 2024

Categories: Global DataRemote Data

Dynamic Websites with Static Site Generators

What if you used your static site generator to output PHP instead of HTML?

Jul 9, 2024

Categories: Edge FunctionsSearchWebmentions

Road to 512kB

Personal Website of Software Engineer Jochen Stierberger

Jul 2, 2024

Categories: How to...Performance

Eleventy collections using the built in tags key

In Eleventy, when you place a JSON file, with the same name, as the folder, within that folder, the data from the JSON file is automatically applied to all files within that folder. This mechanism is a convenient way to apply metadata to a group of files without having to manually include it in each file.

Jun 15, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.

Reed Piernock

Reed is a front-end developer and pop culture scholar. Their blog covers a variety of topics, from...


Personal Website of Software Engineer Jochen Stierberger


Psycareer помогает частным психологам привлекать клиентов и достигать финансового благополучия....

Paul Shrycok

Senior software engineer with 15+ years experience, currently building better editorial content...

Fedor Indutny's Blog

Darkside of Software Engineering.


Création de sites web à Hyères

Casey Ocampo

I'm currently on the Accessibility Team at a href=''...

Euro 2024 sweepstake

Euro 2024 sweepstake

Côme Brocas

Independent designer based in Paris, my practice is multidisciplinary, driven by curiosity,...

Fresh Juice

FreshJuice is a HubSpot CMS theme for developers.

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