Issue 37 - Get your 11ty conference merch bundle...Shaving build time...This blog is now available as a newsletter...And 5 posts, and 5 sites to see.
Mar 26, 2024
3 minutes to read
Welcome to Issue 37 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.
Get your 11ty conference merch bundle
With the 11ty conference coming up, you can now get your conference merch bundle...a t-shirt and stickers. Check it out. The store is open until April 5th.
Shaving build time
In this issue, Chris Burnell showed us how to shave eleventy build times with the use of memoization, a type of caching. It's a very worthy read. I had done some similar work on this site, which I documented in this post on my personal site. If build times have you down, check these out.
This blog is now available as a newsletter
I'd been mulling this over for months and finally decided to pull the trigger. You can now get this blog as a newsletter. The content is identical to what you see in the posts here. If you're already reading it via RSS, you're covered. If you'd rather get it by email, you can sign up here. There's also a sign-up form at the bottom of every page of the site. The only places that I announce the blog posts are via RSS, Mastodon, and the Eleventy Discord server. So, if you never want to miss an issue, sign up for the newsletter. And if you're already full to the brim with email newsletters, don't.
One more thing...
You may not have noticed, but I removed the "Buy Me a Beer" link at the bottom of these posts. I had 3 reasons: first, after a couple of weeks of traffic to the site, there was nary a beer to be had; second, I'd prefer that people spend their hard-earned dollars on more meaningful things, whether that be supporting Eleventy through an Open Collective contribution or any other philanthropic endeavor of your choosing; and third, I wanted to eliminate any unnecessary javascript.
Until next time...
Recent releases
No new releases since the last issue.
Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue
Thirteenth place on Eleventy Leaderboards
My site got to thirteenth place on Eleventy Leaderboards with perfect Lighthouse scores.
Mar 27, 2024
by Silvestar Bistrović (3 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: How to...Performance
Eleventy Navigation Set URL to First Item in Collection
Mar 24, 2024
by John M. Wargo (45 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: CollectionsData CascadeNavigation
How I shaved 1.5 minutes off my Eleventy build time
I had a revelation earlier today that solved a long-standing performance issue I’ve been having with the initial build of my Eleventy website, and here’s how it saved me a bunch of time!
Mar 24, 2024
by Chris Burnell (7 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: Asset PipelinesHow to...PerformancePlugins
Building a Live Preview with Eleventy, Contentful, and Liquid Templating
As a part of the marketing team at Heyflow, I collaborate with people who work on the company’s website. Although all team members are technically acquainted, sometimes they struggle to update the website. The struggle is not being able to visualize what will change on the page when updating the content. Saving the updates and […]
Mar 22, 2024
by Silvestar Bistrović (3 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: CMSHow to...NetlifyRemote DataServerless
Webmentions Web Component
I got overwhelmed by build steps and decided to fetch my webmentions through a web component.
Mar 22, 2024
by Troy V (2 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: How to...Webmentions
Creating a Reading List with Eleventy and Omnivore
This website includes my personal reading list now. It was built using Eleventy and Omnivore, an approach described in this article.
Mar 20, 2024
by Tom Doe (11 posts) · Website & RSS feed
Categories: DeploymentHow to...PluginsRemote Data
Built with Eleventy
Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.
The official blog for
Technology blog by Matt Knight - open-source, self-hosted and home automation
Short essays on mindfulness and Buddhist practice in the Insight Meditation tradition.
- Previous post: Issue 36 - A less gentle reminder...Why Eleventy, you ask?...Using AI to generate your post descriptions...And 10 posts, and 7 sites to see.
- Next post: Issue 38 - Plugins, Virtual templates, Register for the 11ty conf, eleventeen starter update, 11feed, the Static Site Fan Club show, a redesign, a cool site...And 3 posts and 8 sites to see.