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26 posts by Bryce Wray

Good news about CloudCannon and Eleventy

Not long after receiving a short-sighted shafting, my favorite JavaScript-based SSG and its creator wind up in good and friendly hands.

Jul 25, 2023

Categories: Why Eleventy?

Time to move on from Nunjucks?

Here are some points to consider about how you should build and maintain Eleventy sites going forward.

Mar 18, 2023

Categories: Nunjucks/Macros


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v2.0.0 (Feb 8, 2023). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Code for copying code: the Eleventy edition

Here’s a workaround for including “copy” buttons in code blocks built by Prism-based syntax highlighting in Eleventy.

Feb 4, 2023

Categories: PluginsHow to...

Which SSGs I recommend

Here’s a recap of my thoughts about the best tools for building and maintaining personal websites.

Feb 3, 2023

Categories: Why Eleventy?

Static Mastodon toots in Eleventy: the Tailwind CSS edition

For users of my favorite JS-based SSG, here’s an Eleventy version of the Tailwind-based toots-embedding shortcode I offered yesterday.

Jan 17, 2023

Categories: CSS/SassSocial Media

Drafts and timestamp-based publishing in Eleventy

Exercise more control over when, and if, your posts appear.

Dec 21, 2022

Categories: DatesHow to...Drafts

Shorter shortcuts through Nunjucks macros in Eleventy

While seeking a way to cut a three-line call down to one line, I found some great advice on using a sometimes-overlooked aspect of a popular templating language.

Sep 24, 2022

Categories: Nunjucks/Macros

Word count and reading time in Eleventy

Want to give your readers an idea of what’s ahead? Here’s some code to make that no biggie.

Sep 20, 2022

Categories: How to...

Cache-busting in Eleventy, take two

This time, a solution that really (?) works.

Sep 19, 2022

Categories: CSS/Sass

Get good Git info from Eleventy, too

While per-page Git data is built into Hugo, a little code can bring it to Eleventy, as well.

Sep 5, 2022

Categories: How to...

A truly fetching utility for Eleventy

While trying to make things work equally well in multiple repos, I discover the value of an Eleventy plugin I’d previously ignored.

Sep 1, 2022

Categories: Remote DataHow to...

Static embeds in Eleventy

In what could and perhaps should be the end of this saga, here’s code to provide static tweets and static Mastodon toots in Eleventy.

Aug 27, 2022

Categories: Social MediaHow to...

Fetching remote images with Eleventy

Following up on last month’s article about doing this in Hugo, we explain how to get there in a JavaScript-based SSG.

Jan 25, 2022

Categories: ImagesRemote Data


The posts below were published before the release of Eleventy v1.0.0 (Jan 9, 2022). Information in these posts may be out of date. The current stable release is 2.0.1. Eleventy v3.0 is currently under development and available for testing.

Eleventy plus Vite = elite

Re-bundling, but without the pain of webpack.

Jul 24, 2021

Categories: How to...Plugins

Using Eleventy’s official image plugin

The what, why, and how of Eleventy Image.

Apr 17, 2021

Categories: ImagesHow to...

Tailwind-to-head with Eleventy

This follow-up to an earlier article about Hugo Pipes shows how to get internal CSS in an Eleventy site — and with no build tools required.

Mar 20, 2021

Categories: CSS/SassHow to...

Eleventy and Hugo: comparing and contrasting

Trying to choose between the two best static site generators? See if these points address your personal hot buttons.

Dec 28, 2020

Categories: Why Eleventy?

Hashing out a cache-busting fix for Eleventy

Some of the code behind my previous post.

Dec 15, 2020

Categories: CSS/Sass

Using PostCSS for cache-busting in Eleventy

Optimizing how browsers handle your site’s CSS, and why you should care about that.

Nov 10, 2020

Categories: CSS/SassHow to...

Chasing 100: tips for optimizing your website

It takes work, but making your website better is worth it.

Jul 16, 2020

Categories: Performance

Going solo with Eleventy

Losing webpack, regaining Tailwind CSS.

May 9, 2020

Categories: Why Eleventy?

Webmentions in three SSGs: Part 1

The intro to a five-part series about incorporating webmentions into three different static site generators (SSGs).

Apr 28, 2020

Categories: How to...Webmentions

The full .11ty.js monty

Going all-JavaScript with my Eleventy site.

Apr 15, 2020

Categories: How to...

Back to Nunjucks for my Eleventy site

Why I’ve decided for now to backtrack from JavaScript-only templating in Eleventy.

Mar 22, 2020

Categories: Nunjucks/Macros

Code comfort: Eleventy and webpack

Some words about my Eleventy/webpack configuration.

Dec 14, 2019

Categories: How to...Configuration

Why I left Hugo for Eleventy

Only weeks after telling you I was sticking with Hugo, I switch to Eleventy: the whys and wherefores.

Sep 8, 2019

Categories: Migrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

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