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Issue 56 - Trevor Morris on fire, Max does live CMS previews, Harris reveals his source, Zach talks web components with Oddbird, Metadata for the starters...And 1 release, 10 posts and 11 sites to see

4 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 56 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.

An email version of this blog is available. Subscribe here.

Trevor Morris on fire. Since the last issue, Trevor Morris has been on a tear with four interesting and useful posts. Go to that link or see them below. I found his post on Organising Eleventy Filters, Shortcodes and more… to be particularly useful and I think I will be adopting some of the techniques he describes.

Max does live CMS previews. Max Böck has a very in-depth post on "How to set up on-demand building in Eleventy to allow live content previews with Sanity CMS." If you're using Sanity as your CMS, this is a must-read.

Harris reveals his source. Harris Lapiroff shows us how we can see the underlying source code for his blog posts by simply adding a file extension to the post link. Unlike the browser's view source feature, with Harris' method you can see the front matter and post content as written. Check it out. I think it's pretty cool.

Zach talks web components with Oddbird. Zach participated in a wide-ranging discussion with Miriam Suzanne and James Stuckey Weber of Oddbird around all aspects of web components. While I don't recall much of any mention of WebC, it was a fascinating conversation. Check it out.

Metadata for the Starters. Well, I did some of the work that I mentioned last time, i.e., adding some metadata to each of the Starters. I used the GitHub API to gather much of this.

Each starter in the list now includes the following metadata:

The main page lists the starters in order of the last commit date. This will help you identify the most active starters. You can also sort the list by the number of GitHub stars using the link next to the main page title.

A note to starter authors: I'd encourage you to provide a demo site for your starter. I had to go to each starter repo to locate the demo link, but was disappointed to see that a few don't have one. It's a great way to show off your work! If you add one, please send me an email as there's no way for me to detect this automatically.

Speaking of starters...while they have not been merged into their respective mains just yet, my sources (meaning some GitHub notifications) indicate that there are new versions of Adam Stoddard's Grease starter and the eleventy-base-blog in the works. I'm looking forward to seeing them go live.

Until next time...

Recent releases

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Posts from around the web

Making blog post source files available with 11ty

You can now view the source file for any blog post on my site by replacing the trailing slash with .txt in the URL. For example, the source file for this post is available here. You can also replace the trailing slash with the original file extension of the source. Most of my blog posts are composed in Markdown, so the extension will usually be .md, but my setup also supports the occasional .ojs (for Observable notebooks) or .html post. But .txt will always work.

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Using Environment Variables in Eleventy Content Pages

Explains how you can use environment variables in Eleventy content pages

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Live CMS Previews with Sanity and Eleventy

How to set up on-demand building in Eleventy to allow live content previews with Sanity CMS.

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Oddbird’s Winging It Live: Web Components

A post by Zach Leatherman (zachleat)

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Eleventy Filters in Collections

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Organising Eleventy Filters, Shortcodes and more…

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Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.

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