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Issue 34 - Crossing the 1,000 post milestone...11ty Conference call for proposals AND sponsors...A new category...More WebC videos...And 9 posts, and 6 sites to see.

3 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 34 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.

Well, we've done it...we've crossed the 1,000 post milestone. We're now standing at 1,234 posts. I'm not sure what to do to celebrate...I'm open to suggestions.

In addition to the open call for talk proposals for the 11ty conference, there's now an open call to companies and individuals to sponsor the conference. Send an email to to receive a sponsorship prospectus.

As I use search more and more on this site, I have been unearthing things that people are using Eleventy for, even if it's just part of their sites. These are more "site feature" oriented rather than nuts-and-bolts Eleventy how-tos. Recently, I was browsing around and thought that there might just be a handful of posts around how to build an image gallery using Eleventy. And now, for your browsing pleasure, I bring you the latest new category...image galleries.

And just the other day on the Discord server, someone found a bunch of YouTube videos related to WebC. I thought I had a few of them on here, but nooooo. They've been added to the WebC category. You can also find them in the YouTube category.

That's all for now...until next time...

Recent releases

eleventy-fetch v4.01

Utility to cache any remote asset: Image, Video, Web Font, CSS, JSON, etc - Release v4.0.1 ·...

Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue

How to Build a Serverless Guestbook

An article about building a serverless guestbook for a static website.

Mar 4, 2024

Categories: How to...Remote Data

Adding inline SVGs to Eleventy.js

JavaScript software development tips, strategies for salary negotiation, and other helpful advice for navigating software as a career.

Mar 3, 2024

Categories: How to...ImagesConfiguration

Eleventy: pathPrefix and GitHub Pages

Quick step-by-step recipe on how to deploy Eleventy site inside a subdirectory.

Mar 3, 2024

Categories: ConfigurationDebuggingDeployment

Version 3

I'll show you the true power of being third!

Mar 2, 2024

Categories: CSS/SassData CascadeGlobal DataMigrating to EleventyWhy Eleventy?

Eleventy - Group posts by year

A common organisation pattern for a blog is to group posts by year. I will show you how to do this efficiently and succinctly in JavaScript.

Mar 1, 2024

Categories: BloggingCollectionsConfigurationDatesHow to...

Building My Comics Page

How I built my comics page using League of Comic Geeks, a NodeJS module and Eleventy.

Feb 29, 2024

Categories: How to...Remote Data

Deploy an Eleventy site to Cloudflare Pages efficiently with GitHub's action cache

Deploy an Eleventy site to Cloudflare Pages efficiently with GitHub's action cache I have wanted to move this site from Netlify for a while now, but the recent news about their bandwidth p...

Feb 29, 2024

Categories: DeploymentHow to...

Unveiling the Marvels of 11ty's WebC

Are you ready to dive deep into the world of web development and discover a game-changing tool that will revolutionise the way you build websites?

Feb 29, 2024

Categories: How to...PerformanceWebC

Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.

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