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Issue 33 - 11ty Conference call for proposals...The conference site is open source...Yet another open source CMS for SSGs...A couple of tweaks to this site...And 13 posts, and 3 sites to see.

4 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 33 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a static site generator that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple templating languages, including HTML, Markdown, Nunjucks, Liquid, and more, which gives developers the freedom to choose the languages they are most comfortable with or that best suit their project's needs.

There is an open call for talk proposals for the 11ty conference. Here's a brief summary of what they're looking for:

We’re looking for a mix of 22-minute or 11-minute (lightning) talks on a variety of topics that will interest folks that care about the craft of building for the web: Best Practices That Work (CSS), Development Trends (e.g. Navigating the Great Divide), Jamstack, Front of the front end Development, Design Systems, Accessibility, Open Source, Web Performance (and probably some Eleventy too!).

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in doing, head on over.

On two related notes, the conference site is built with Eleventy, and second, it's now an open source project. So you can see how Zach did that cool thing with the tickets. It's really pretty neat. Note that he and Mike from CloudCannon did a video on how he did it.

I came across yet another CMS that works with Eleventy. It's called Pages CMS and it's open source. I have not tried it, but it might be worth exploring if you've been comparing the various CMS projects that work well with static site generators.

Two more things about this site:

  1. Since the last post, I realized that there was another side effect of my including the full, un-truncated, descriptions for each blog post. Search now covers the full there's more there...there. I particularly like the long descriptions that Cory Dransfeldt writes. I'm glad they're now searchable.

  2. There's another new category...permalinks. I've got ideas for a few more...stay tuned.

That's all for now...until next time...

Recent releases

No new releases since the last issue.

Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue

Inexactly benchmarking Eleventy vs Astro build times

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Search, Webmentions and microformats

I’ve made some updates on my website - let’s talk about them. I added a search functionality with Pagefind, Webmention support both directions and microformats to my blog posts.

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Elevating Video Transcripts as Searchable Content

A post by Zach Leatherman (zachleat)

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A roundup of recent updates to my website

Where i describe the recent updates to the kinds of content you'll find on my website

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Updating 11ty to enjoy ESM

I updated the version of 11ty I use for this blog to the current alpha, to switch from CJS to ESM.

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THE Eleventy Meetup Feb 20th

We had a lovely meetup with the Eleventy community. I talked about building meetup community sites utilizing Global Data Files and Robb talked about how he builds his website with Eleventy, pulling data in from various sources.

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Eleventy: custom markup alongside item contents

Short and quick tutorial on how to embed custom HTML content between post paragraphs on an Eleventy site.

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Eight Million NPM Downloads!

Eight Million npm Downloads! — Eleventy

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Weaving music data in and out of my personal website

I started integrating music data into my personal website when I added artist and album displays to my now page. Initially, I tried sourcing artist images from a few different services, knowing that had updated their API to stop serving them. After a fair bit of searching I found that most services that supplied artist images covered only a small fraction of my library and often supplied the wrong image when there were multiple artists sharing the same name.

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Using Eleventy to Gobble Up Everything I Do Online

A blog post about how my site works based on a talk I did at the Eleventy meetup

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Building a bespoke now-playing web component

I've long had a now playing element on the home page of my site that displays either what I've checked into on Trakt, the Lakers' record and who they're playing when a game is on or the last song I've listened to. After leveraging some new web components on my site, I decided to refactor the code powering this into a web component specific to my needs.

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Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.

Pages CMS

Tired of juggling Git and YAML to update your Next.js, Astro, Hugo or Nuxt website? Make it easy on...

11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good

We’re running a conference — this is an 11ty Conference!

Derek Onay

Indy-based Product Designer, self-proclaimed devs best bud. I help teams build and scale their...

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