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Issue 36 - A less gentle reminder...Why Eleventy, you ask?...Using AI to generate your post descriptions...And 10 posts, and 7 sites to see.

3 minutes to read

Welcome to Issue 36 of the 11ty Bundle. 11ty, aka Eleventy, is a "simpler static site generator" that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files. It supports multiple template languages, giving developers the freedom to choose the languages that best suit the needs of their project.

A less gentle reminder

The open call for talk proposals for the 11ty conference ends THIS FRIDAY!!!. If you've been thinking about giving a talk, NOW IS THE TIME!!!

Why Eleventy, you ask?

There's a great new post from Ryan Gittings about what makes static site generators so great, especially Eleventy. Check it out at 10 Reasons Why Static Site Generators Are Perfect for Modern Web Development.

Using AI to generate your post descriptions

First, please don't shoot the messenger. But John Wargo has an interesting post to do just that. Find it at: Generating Eleventy Post Descriptions Using Generative AI: John M. Wargo.

That's all for now...but wait...tomorrow is my wife's birthday. She's an artist and you can find her at

Until next time...

Recent releases

No new releases since the last issue.

Posts from around the web since the last Bundle issue

Lightweight search in Eleventy

I've been using Pagefind for my site search for a while now and would readily recommend it, but I wanted to throw together something a bit lighter weight and customizable.

Mar 18, 2024

Categories: How to...Search

Generating Eleventy Post Descriptions Using Generative AI

Using Generative AI to automatically generate post descriptions is a great way to save time and ensure consistency across your site. By leveraging tools like ChatGPT, you can quickly create engaging summaries that entice readers to click through and read more. The Describer GenAI extension for Visual Studio Code simplifies this process, allowing you to effortlessly generate descriptions for your articles with just a few clicks. With the ability to customize settings and easily integrate the generated descriptions into your site, this tool is a valuable asset for content creators looking to streamline their workflow.

Mar 18, 2024

Categories: BloggingFront MatterHow to...

How to add tags with links to hub topic pages in 11ty

Mar 17, 2024

Categories: CollectionsHow to...

Automate Your Static Site Rebuilds with Netlify Scheduled Functions

Effortlessly automate regular website updates for your static site using Netlify scheduled functions. Set it and forget it - never worry about manual updates again!

Mar 17, 2024

Categories: BloggingDeploymentHow to...NetlifyScheduling

Eleventy excerpts

Everybody seems to implement their own way of generating post excerpts in Eleventy, and here's mine.

Mar 15, 2024

Categories: BloggingFiltersHow to...

We Need to Talk About Your Eleventy Post Dates

Almost everyone using Eleventy is using blog post dates wrong

Mar 14, 2024

Categories: DatesRSS

The "IndieWeb" feels like coming home

I moved this site to Eleventy hosted on Neocities and as a result I'm having fun with my website again!

Mar 14, 2024

Categories: BloggingGetting StartedMigrating to Eleventy

I have a Problem with Build Times

Chris McLeod is a software developer with over 20 years of experience. Sometimes he writes about it.

Mar 13, 2024

Categories: ImagesPerformance

How I Eleventy

Documenting a refactor that introduced a folder structure and configuration changes, which summarises how I Eleventy.

Mar 13, 2024

Categories: ConfigurationHow to...LayoutsMarkdownPermalinksShortcodes

10 Reasons Why Static Site Generators Are Perfect for Modern Web Development

Whether you're a startup founder, a small business owner, or part of a larger organisation, navigating the complexities of web development can be daunting. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where user experience reigns supreme and website performance can make or break your online success, finding the right approach to building and maintaining your web presence is critical.

Feb 24, 2024

Categories: Why Eleventy?

Built with Eleventy

Here are the new sites to see. If you want to see more sites, check out the Eleventy Leaderboards.

Nathaniel Daught, Visual Artist & Designer

Visual Artist & Designer based in Oakland, California.


Open source software developer, geography nerd, and high school student.

Anthony Ciccarello

I’m a software engineer living in Southern California building cool things using JavaScript and...

Benjy Stanton

Hi, I’m Benjy Stanton, a contract interaction designer based in Swansea.

Laurens Bruijn

Creative Frontend Developer from The Netherlands


Create interactive lead funnels, multi-step forms and customized landing pages that drive...

Approximately Blue

Approximately Blue is an independent art brokerage and collection management service that primarily...

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